Best of Search Conferences 2011: The Agenda

For many, the holidays bring with them traditions to uphold. One of our juciest Bruce Clay, Inc. traditions is serving up the best liveblog coverage from Internet marketing conferences we’ve attended throughout the year. Bestowing the title of “best of” our liveblog coverage this year was more challenging than ever as the Bruce Clay blog hosted coverage of 8 stellar shows:

carving the turkey

Like your oddball Uncle Edgar, we’ve performed a thorough comb over of our conference reporting. The resulting categories and session coverage are our picks for the top themes of the year along with the best strategies, tactics and tools for Internet marketing optimization. You’ll also find takeaways from several live audio interviews with conference speakers broadcast on the SEM Synergy series.

***Update: December 30***

You can now check out Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3 of the Best of Search Conferences 2011. Below, peruse the schedule to see what’s in store!

Day 1: Wednesday, December 28, 2011 Analytics Online Advertising SEO CRO

SMX Advanced
You & A with Google’s Matt Cutts

Session 1 SES San Francisco
Meaningful SEO Metrics: Going Beyond the Numbers
SMX East
Best Practices for Paid Search Testing
SES San Francisco
SEO 2.0: Less is More
SES San Francisco
Conversion Tools of the Master Craftsman
Session 2 SMX Advanced
Overlooked, Underloved and Unknown Analytics
SMX Advanced
Advanced PPC Analytics
SMX Advanced
SEO and Competitive Intelligence
SMX West
Conversion Optimization Science
Session 3 SES San Francisco
Social Media Metrics
SES New York
Placement Matters: How Eye-Tracking Helps Improve Display Advertising
SMX Advanced
The New Periodic Table of SEO
SES San Francisco
Advanced Keyword Modeling
Session 4 SES New York
Analytics Rx: Diagnosis and Recovery
SES San Francisco
Google Ad Innovations
SES New York
Confidently Predicting ROI for SEO
SES San Francisco
Conversion Triggers: Persuasion Strategies for Digital Marketers
Listen Live

SMX East
PPC and Local SEO – SEM Synergy


Day 2: Thursday, December 29, 2011 Twitter Facebook Google’s Social Side Local Search and Services

SMX Advanced
Bing’s Stefan Weitz: Confluence of Social Data & Search

Session 1 SMX Advanced
Yes Virginia, Tweeting is SEO
SMX West
Building Buzz on Facebook: Getting Liked & Shared
SMX East
Up Close with Google+ and Google +1
SMX East
Hard Core Local SEO Tactics
Session 2 SMX West
Retweet Me: How to be a Twitter Authority
Wappow Hawaii
Socially Analyzing
SES San Francisco
Getting More from Google+ & the Google +1 Button
SMX West
Up Close with Google Place Pages
Session 3 SES San Francisco
Automating Social Media
Wappow Hawaii
From Links to Votes
SMX West
New Tools & Techniques for YouTube Success 
SMX West
Location Services: The New Local Search?
Session 4 SMX Sydney
Twitter, Real-Time Search and Real-Time SEO
Wappow Hawaii
Social Media and the Open Graph Protocol
SMX East
What Every Paid Search Marketer Needs to Know About Google+
SMX East
The SoLoMo Landscape
Listen Live

SMX East 
SEO + Social Media 4eva – SEM Synergy


Day 3: Friday, December 30, 2011 Understanding Audience Holistic Marketing ORM and Branding The Cutting Edge

Wappow Hawaii
Bruce Clay: SEOs Get Social

Session 1 Wappow Hawaii
Building Communities
SES San Francisco
The Convergence of Search, Social and Content Marketing
SES San Francisco
Protecting Your Brand Online
SES San Francisco
Search on Mobile Devices, QR Codes, Mobile & Social: The Next Mobile Frontier
Session 2 SES New York
Focus Latino
SMX East
Facebook, Twitter and SEO
SMX East
Google Survivor Tips
SMX East
The Current State of Personalized Search
Session 3 SES New York
Analytics for the Latino Markets
SES San Francisco
Global Opportunities in PR, Social Media and Mobile
Wappow Hawaii
Socially Satisfied
SES San Francisco
HTML5: A Cowpath on a Cliff 
Session 4 SMX Advanced
Use Searcher Personas to Connect SEO to Conversion
SMX West
Mobile Apps and How They’re Revolutionizing Search
SMX Sydney
Black Hat vs. White Hat SEO
SMX East
Doing Offers Right
Listen Live

Wappow Hawaii
Search and Social Converge – SEM Synergy

Virginia Nussey is the director of content marketing at MobileMonkey. Prior to joining this startup in 2018, Virginia was the operations and content manager at Bruce Clay Inc., having joined the company in 2008 as a writer and blogger.

See Virginia's author page for links to connect on social media.

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