Twitter Tools-Twitter Bootcamp

Our very own SEO manager Kate Gamble recently spoke at the Sydney Twitter Boot-Camp on the subject “Twitter Tools” and by all accounts was a great success. Kate is speaking again at the Melbourne version of the event so while we can’t give away all her delicious secrets we can put up her first slide entitled ” The Butterfly Effect of Social Media”. In addition I have selected a few of the more interesting tweets from the stream. The entire stream can be found here

problogger 8 Lessons on Twitter from @markpollard 1 it does take effort. 2 there is a lot of recycling. 3 it can be addictive #tbcau
problogger cont… 4 anxiety does feed the beast. 5 one dimension-itis isn’t cool. 6 Twitter thrives on appreciation. #tbcau
problogger cont… 7 Rejection happens. 8 lifestyle change #tbcau
michelle_falzon According to @markpollard Harvard survey shows people who are more connected online are 30% more creative! #tbau #tbcau
switchedonmedia Time a big factor for Twitter for business, good reason for outsourcing, need to know what makes sense for biz. #tbcau – tamya baohm
switchedonmedia RaboPlus secured a sponsorship deal with tour de france to get exclusive content thru their social networks. nice!! #tbcau
michelle_falzon Cool tools for Twitter research Twist – awesome tweet trends analysis & Monitter – geo locate tweets thx @kategamble #tbcau
switchedonmedia Twitter traffic not counted as referrer in analytics is counted as Direct. #tbcau good consideration from @kategamble
web_goddess How does ‘automate as much as possible’ jibe with idea that good Twitter use is all about meaningful conversations? #tbcau
switchedonmedia RT @PRIANational: Web signal = brand + key word – Great idea #tbcau
chrisgander Top 3 things I took away from Twitter Boot Camp #tbcau. 1. “Web Signals” 2. “Be Human” 3. “Stay Active & Reactive”

Kate’s full Twitter Tools presentation will be posted here once she has spoken at Twitter Boot-camp Melbourne, Have a great weekend everyone

See Bruce's author page for links to connect on social media.

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One Reply to “Twitter Tools-Twitter Bootcamp”

very useful information on Twitter Tools-Twitter Bootcamp, thanks


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