SEO Consulting Services

An SEO consultant can provide an invaluable service for a business of any size, whether your company is a small business, start-up, challenger brand or enterprise.

The industry views consultants generally as experts brought in to focus on a short-term opportunity. Or they may focus on a company marketing initiative.

Bruce Clay is a leading agency delivering SEO consulting and search marketing services since 1996. (Read about us or see our case studies.)

What Is SEO Consulting?

SEO consulting includes services, tools and training from a search marketing specialist. This expert has demonstrated expertise, authority and industry-wide trust in search engine optimization.

Consulting projects typically range from 3 to 6 months in duration. They are sometimes shorter or longer depending on the size of the campaign. Once the goal is reached, the company may address another short-term SEO opportunity or pivot to a new marketing initiative.

In contrast, SEO services tend to focus on longer term opportunities. As such, they range from 6 to many months, or even years. These types of SEO campaigns involve a higher level of marketing and consulting effort to achieve goals. An example might be the launch of an entirely new website to the market. Such a website has no rankings or traffic, and thus it has no recognized marketplace expertise, authority and trust.

Every SEO consulting campaign is unique. No two projects are the same.

The particular growth opportunity or issue you want to achieve with a consultant’s help determines the project scope.

Examples of SEO Services

We’ve helped with many types of SEO projects. If you want “all” of these, then you want SEO services. But if you need only one or two types, then SEO consulting is your solution. Here are a few examples:

  1. Move rankings currently on Page 2 or 3 to Page 1.
  2. Acquire competitive keyword market share.
  3. Improve mobile rankings to mirror desktop rankings.
  4. Increase rankings for non-brand keywords.
  5. Put in place Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP).
  6. Transition from HTTP to a secure website (HTTPS).
  7. Implement a global or multilingual site architecture.
  8. Merge many domains and transfer link equity.
  9. Divest sub-brands from a parent website and establish new top-level domains.
  10. Rebrand a company, including establishing a new top-level domain.
  11. Associate external blogs with the parent site.
  12. Speed up page-load time to help boost rankings.
  13. Decrease bounce rate and improve engagement for better conversion.
  14. Remove a ranking penalty or filter.
  15. Promote app adoption to reduce SEM media expense.
  16. Reduce SEM expense (paid search) by building SEO rankings for head terms.
  17. Implement schema markup, JSON-LD and microdata.
  18. Increase traffic from queries such as “keyword near me.”
  19. Maximize local traffic opportunities from mobile and Google My Business.

These are but a handful of the SEO consulting projects the Bruce Clay team can perform. Each is in full collaboration with your internal search marketing and IT staff to achieve your business objectives. We are more than SEO consultants​ — we are your mentor and partner in your projects. Rates, fees and costs for SEO consulting services vary depending upon the size and scope of the project.

Contact us today and let us know how we can help.

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Shibuya, Tokyo 150-0002 JAPAN