Web Design Tools
Bruce Clay, Inc. is the industry leader in the development of Search Engine Marketing tools (SEOToolSet™), and while we’ve been busy developing our own tools, other companies have been busy developing theirs. Here is a list of tools that assist us on a regular basis. This is not a comprehensive list by any means, just something to get you started. You may find that you have favorites that are not on our list and we encourage you to keep on using them. After all, if it works for you, and it’s not broken, then don’t fix it!
Search Engine Optimization/KSP Tool
The information derived from our Search Engine Optimization/KSP Tool are daily approximations. In other words, they are daily averages derived from monthly averages. You should use the numbers as a proportionate traffic number since nobody really knows what an average day is, if there even is one. Internet marketing programs should pay attention to the demographic and categories data.
Free Tools
A neat little tool that checks your content and makes sure that your focus is on your customer, not yourself.
This tool checks web site load time. The slower a site loads, the more likely a visitor is to click the back or close button.
This tool checks for broken links which can help you avoid your visitor’s frustration and ire when they click on a link and it goes nowhere.
Other Tools
Dreamweaver is the industry’s leading web development tool and can help you go beyond just creating static HTML pages. You can easily add video, simplify CSS, get started with XML and streamline your entire development process. Additionally, you can tap into the vast Dreamweaver community and learn new applications and techniques from experts.
Photoshop is considered by many to be the professional standard in desktop digital imaging. Images can be efficiently edited, manipulated and processed, allowing you to create a professional looking site with relative ease. Photoshop’s wide range of tools lets users achieve extraordinary results, including fixing images with poor color, merging multiple photos, removing red eye, color management and more.
Adobe Illustrator is a vector-based drawing program that lets you instantly convert bitmaps to vector artwork. Because it is so tightly integrated in other Adobe products (like Photoshop), it allows users to produce graphics for multiple forms of media and is widely used to support and enhance Web publishing.
Acrobat refers to a series of programs that have been developed by Adobe Systems for the purpose of creating and distributing PDFs, or Portable Document formats. Converting documents into PDFs forces them to appear the same way, regardless of the platform used to view them. It is an excellent way to promote consistency and to ensure viewers see your documents the way you intended.
Once you have your site designed, you’re going to need a program to get it on the web so that people can view it! One of the ways to do this is using an FTP (file transfer protocol) program. We use CuteFTP. It’s simple, quick and secure. Things we like in a product.

Bruce Clay Europe Srl
VAT: 12885850961
Via Caccialepori 18/A
20148 Milano
+39 388 870 6471