Comment Policy of the Bruce Clay, Inc. Blog
We want people to comment on the blog and we encourage discussion. We also want it to be fair and transparent. In order to do that we have some rules.
Note that links in comments are nofollow. No one gets link credit for comments on this blog. Comments are made in contribution of the conversation, to interact with like-minded, to share experiences, and to further discourse about topics of interest.
Published comments are generally not copyedited for grammar, spelling or readability in order to maintain the integrity of the writer’s words, however we reserve the right to edit or modify comments for other other reasons, including removing profanity or inflaming remarks if we feel that the comment adds value otherwise.
Comments are moderated based on the following guidelines:
- Comments must be on-topic. Off-topic comments will be pruned.
- Comments should add value. In the case of one-liners (i.e., “Great blog. Keep sharing.”) and “me too” comments that add little to the conversation, we reserve the right to delete them.
- Comments that seem like a sales pitch without adding much else may not make the cut.
- No personal attacks, profanity, soliciting or impersonating anyone else.
- No defamatory or libelous statements.
- We do not tolerate spamming or commercial promotion of any kind. If you include a link, make sure that the value is obvious.
- Handles and nicknames are fine, but no keyword stuffing in names. If it’s a useful comment, we may still publish it, but reserve the right to alter the commenter name with a generic name we choose.
- While URLs within comments are not hyperlinked, including relevant links in comments is encouraged; irrelevant links are never welcomed and may be removed if the comment is published.
- HTML is enabled but please don’t post images.
- We reserve the right to edit, delete or moderate any comment at our discretion.
With that, we invite and encourage readers, sharers and observers to comment often and join in the conversation!
This policy was last revised on May 19, 2015.