Website Analytics Rates

Our website analytics services are comprised of three pricing components:

  1. One-time Setup fee
  2. Analytics Data Collection and Report Generation
  3. Consulting Services

One-Time Setup Fee

We charge a one-time setup fee to establish data collection and setup
the reports. This includes, but is not limited to, working with your
staff to identify what you want to track, installing the tracking
technology, configuring the analytics product to accept the data and
building the reports. Depending on what you want to track and how many
web pages you have, this aspect of web analytics usually takes several
days to a week or more.

Our one-time setup fee starts at $195.

Analytics Data Collection and Report Generation

Leveraging IBM’s superior hardware and software technologies, data
regarding every visitor to your site will be collected, stored and
protected on IBM servers. As a result, you can rest assured knowing
your data is safe-guarded and backed up with a redundant infrastructure.

Recurring weekly or monthly reports can be automatically generated
and emailed to a predefined distribution list. These reports come in
addition to the ranking reports that are integrated into the

We charge a fee for each tracked web page. Therefore, the more pages
we track, the more data that is collected and stored, the higher the

Analytics data collection and report generation starts at $295 per month.

Consulting Services

If you need additional help with analytics we can help you set up
additional reports, learn how to improve the site to increase site
level conversion and much more.

Our consulting fees are priced on a time and materials basis and vary depending on the specific nature of the work.

Need Analytics Help? – Analytics Services or Request a quote.


EU Team

Bruce Clay Europe Srl
Via Caccialepori 18/A
20148 Milano
+39 388 870 6471