SEO Tutorial Finish Line!

You did it! If you’ve gone through the lessons — 18 steps in all — you covered basic SEO training and made it to the SEO tutorial finish line. Congratulations!
There’s one more thing you should know. You’re really just at the starting line for your search engine optimization.
The truth is, SEO never ends. If you’re an internet marketer, you have no choice but to commit to a long-term race.
SEO Is Never “Done”
Here are a few reasons why SEO, like business itself, is never really done:
- Rankings fluctuate.
- Competitors get better.
- New sites enter the competition.
- Keywords change over time.
- Your business goals evolve.
- Products and services change.
- Your website gets updated and new content added.
- People’s needs on your website shift over time and vary by device.
- Search engine algorithms continually change. (This one’s last but not least!)
In fact, the whole cycle you’ve learned in this tutorial, beginning with keyword research and optimizing page content all the way through monitoring your SEO progress, needs to be repeated over and over again. And since we will be updating and enhancing the tutorial information to keep it current, feel free to repeat this SEO tutorial as often as you like, using it as a personal SEO guide.
Your Next Steps
Digital marketing takes perseverance, patience and ongoing learning. This industry constantly evolves, and there’s always more to learn! While you don’t want to react in knee-jerk fashion to any Google announcement, it is important to stay up on search-industry news and understand how it applies to you. Since you don’t have time to make SEO your full-time job, we have a few ways to help you stay informed and move forward with confidence.
Stay Current — Free SEO Resources
- Subscribe to the Bruce Clay Blog: Articles by Bruce Clay and others will educate and inform you on digital marketing subjects, including SEO, PPC, content marketing, social media and more. Subscribe and you’ll get them delivered to your inbox for free.
- Follow us on social media: Connect with Bruce and our content & media team on Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and Facebook for a continual stream of original, valuable content. (Please do! We’d love to talk with you.)
Want More Help? Here Are Some Options

SEO training in a live, classroom setting lets you ask questions face-to-face.
SEO Training: Our SEOToolSet® Training Course has helped more than 5,000 attendees since Bruce Clay began teaching SEO in 1999.
In classroom settings, you go beyond basic SEO training and learn how to apply it to your business site. Take a 3-day Standard or 5-day Advanced class offered several times a year near our headquarters in sunny Southern California. You also get a free year’s subscription to our SEOToolSet. (See training dates and details.)
On-Site Training: We can provide a customized SEO training course for 20 or more of your staff at your location. Call us at 1-866-517-1900 to discuss your needs.
SEO Site Audit: Many of our clients want to do the work themselves, but need an SEO roadmap and expert guidance. Our SEO Site Audit Service analyzes your site and then builds a hefty document identifying your specific SEO needs, with prioritized task lists and recommendations.
Google Penalty Assessment: Think you’re suffering from a Google penalty? We offer SEO Penalty Assessments that identify the problems and give you a recovery roadmap. We can lay out the steps you’ll need to take, and optionally help with link pruning or other recovery services, as well.
SEO Services: Our expert-level SEO Services can get your digital marketing off the ground or put the finishing touches on a well-worked website. We work together with our clients, whether small or large, to help their search engine optimization succeed.
Thank You
We hope you and your website have benefited from the basic training provided in this SEO tutorial. Since there is much more to know, please use the resources and options listed above — and keep learning. All of us at Bruce Clay, Inc. appreciate your time and wish you much success with your digital marketing!