EMetrics Summit -Santa Barbara

Guest Entry by Dana McGraw, Web Analytics Analyst–Bruce Clay, Inc.

My first EMetrics Summit definitely exceeded my expectations! The relatively small size of the group allowed for really insightful discussions not only amongst attendees but with presenters, as well. I must admit that the most lasting impression was left by Avinash Kausik of Intuit! His engaging presentation style really captured the audience and blended humor with really important information and ideas. An important bit of Avinash’s presentation that was echoed several times throughout the Summit was the idea that in reality, the data that we are able to collect is not entirely accurate. Due to cookie deletion and many other factors the quest for 100% accurate data is fruitless. Instead, we must accept the inaccuracies of the data and "get over it"! What is truly important is trending; a baseline must be established and from there it is not the actual numbers but the trends that are observed that are the real basis for crucial evaluation and decision making.

As if the potent presentations were not enough to make the EMetrics Summit a rousing success in my mind, I was also afforded the opportunity to meet and have discussions with both Eric Peterson (author of Web Analytics Demystified) and Paul Muret (Google Analytics). The beauty of such a young industry is that even those who have been practicing in this space almost since its inception still make time to impart knowledge to the newest members of the industry. I would certainly recommend the EMetrics Summit to anyone interested in Web Analytics (the next Summit in the U.S. is scheduled for October in Washington D.C.). Of course, a hat tip goes to Jim Sterne for a well run conference and more importantly for fostering such an incredible atmosphere of sharing and camaraderie.

Susan Esparza is former managing editor at Bruce Clay Inc., and has written extensively for clients and internal publications. Along with Bruce Clay, she is co-author of the first edition of Search Engine Optimization All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies.

See Susan's author page for links to connect on social media.

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