Cre8pc: User-Centered Design with an SEO soul

If you’ve spent any time at all around this blog, then you know that around here we have certain biases. We love Jeeves and Ask. Lisa thinks Google is on a path to world domination and I get all giddy over the crossroads of usability and SEO. So it shouldn’t come as a shock that I am a huge fan of Kim Krause’s Cre8pc blog and Cre8asite forums.

The blog is really an all star performer. Where some blogs take the quantity over quality approach, publishing many short bon mots everyday, Kim instead blogs an article about once a week–sometimes more, sometimes less. Either way, every time my Bloglines notifies me of a new posting from Kim, I’m sure to read it and probably will leave it open for re-reading for the next couple days.

Kim is blogging about usability and user centered design, but her secret weapon is that she used to be an SEO consultant. This means she speaks a language we can all understand. Some people will claim that you can’t be user friendly and search engine friendly at the same time. Kim consistently demonstrates how entirely untrue that is.

And then there are the Cre8asite Forums. Now, I’m not a huge forum addict. There is a lot of bad information out there and it can be hard to sift through and separate the experts from the merely loud. Particularly in the world of SEO when everyone is certain they have the secret sauce and no one wants to give away their trade secrets. While there are plenty of excellent reasons for visiting a forum, putting all your faith in one is always a bad idea.

But I have faith in the folks over at Cre8asite. They’re unfailingly courteous, a huge point in their favor, and they know their stuff. Most forums are an equal combination of the sublime and the ridiculous and it can be very difficult to tell the difference, especially for someone just learning the field.

Combined with Kim’s blog and website, the result is a whole package of useful information that doesn’t just seek to grab customers but also to provide them with a genuinely good user experience as well. The last thing that anyone here will suggest is doing something solely for the sake of the search engines, and that’s exactly the way it should be.

Susan Esparza is former managing editor at Bruce Clay Inc., and has written extensively for clients and internal publications. Along with Bruce Clay, she is co-author of the first edition of Search Engine Optimization All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies.

See Susan's author page for links to connect on social media.

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