Forum Check

Some forum threads of note:

Barry points us to a WebmasterWorld thread where users are reporting good news: Google appears to be indexing more of their site’s pages. Users were perplexed when pages started dropping out of the index more than a month ago, but it seems things are starting to turn around. Barry notes several members have reported positive changes after making only minor tweaks, such as 301 directs; writing pages for customers, not the search engines; and submitting re-inclusion requests. Though not everyone has regained rankings, it’s good to see some sites on the road to recovery.

There’s an interesting thread over at WebmasterWorld called MFA Warriorship 101 where one user attempts to explain how Made for AdSense (MFA) sites get mixed into AdSense ads and how you can get rid of them.

His removal theory involves limiting the number of ads on your site to a total of two as a way of pricing MFAs off your site. Of course, the theory is all based on his own experience with the system, so take it for what you will. Either way, it’s an interesting read if only because it ends with a Star Trek reference.

The next fun thread comes from the SEW boards where Todd, aka Stuntdubl, poses this question to his fellow SEO enthusiasts:

What skills would you like to download Matrix style to help you to become a better SEO/SEM or in your career path in general? If you could instantly, without doing any work on your part, add five new things to your bag of tricks, what would they be?

It’s an interesting question. Members’ answers included being able to log-in to Google’s intranet (which I don’t think met the requirements), being able to see into the mind of Matt Cutts, acquisition of programming and journalism degrees (hey, I got that last one!), being able to code spiders, and understanding traditional advertising concepts. All good answers.

Of course, unlike Neo and Trinity, we don’t have that power. We can’t read a manual about flying a helicopter and instantly be able to do it. Instead it takes hard work, an unwavering quest for knowledge and perfect practice. Which is, after all, what makes these skills so valuable to begin with.

But questions like this are a good way to get yourself thinking about your short- and long-term goals. Work related and otherwise. So, jot down your list, stick it on your fridge, and every time you open it ask yourself what you’re doing to make these goals a reality. After all, they’re not going to get into your head unless you put them there.
Let’s see, if I had five skills I could instantly download, I’d want:

    1. A degree in Copyright and Intellectual Property law
    2. To instantaneously be able to come up with hilarious and insightful blog topics
    3. Highly advanced mind control techniques (I promise to use them for good.)
    4. To speak fluent Italian
    5. To be able to make myself disappear by holding my nose

Admit it; you just tried that nose thing, didn’t you? Go start your list.

Lisa Barone is a writer, content marketer & VP of strategy at Overit Media. She's also a very active Twitterer, much to the dismay of the rest of the world.

See Lisa's author page for links to connect on social media.

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