Google announces the +1 Button

Today Google announced the +1 recommendation allowing users to recommend a paid or organic search result. Just don’t call it a Like button. You can also undo these if you like, excuse the pun.

Google says they are using a number of signals to determine which are relevant, and are touting this as the ability to include “word of mouth” or tips from people you trust in your search results be they paid or unpaid. Advertisers will be able to see these for paid ads and webmasters will in the future be able to see these in organic results through Google Webmaster Tools.

You will need a Google profile, which guess what, links to all your other profiles such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook if you set them up etc and then allows Google in turn to see your relationships in turn. To check this out, go to your Google dashboard and check out your social circle, it’s all there.

Google +1 is being rolled out in English first on but if you can’t wait try Google Experimental.

Things to consider:

  • Roll out internationally may take some time
  • Buttons for websites may take longer and will have to compete with entrenched Facebook Like buttons, so adoption rate will be interesting to watch
  • Likely that large sites with a focus on SEO will adopt quickly to on-site butons, Google will have to manage this to not leave certain brands behind.
  • Adoption and use amongst the masses may take time unless supported by awareness campaigns, users are still getting used to Google Instant and Preview
  • Check your Google profile and linked accounts, the stronger this is the better, things may come into play include, evidence that you are in fact human and also that you are a useful, up to date human with friends:

– Use of images on your profiles
– Quality of websites liked to and linked from profiles
– Engagement via regular and recent interactions
– Number of profiles linked to, the more the better
– Legacy, or age and trust of profile and linked profiles
– Industry or category focus within profiles
– Level of privacy you have within these profiles, i.e. Facebook, LinkedIn etc.
– Different IP’s

  • No doubt industry will play a part, so SEO companies would expect to be more active, whereas those looking for retirement homes less active and what’s normal for these categories playing a part

Watch this space.



See jbolt's author page for links to connect on social media.

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One Reply to “Google announces the +1 Button”

Interesting considerations Jeremy!

Ale Agostini


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