Google Eyes Are Smiling

If yesterday was a bad day for Yahoo!, today is a very, very good day for Google. Team Goog announced this afternoon it more than doubled its second quarter search profits from this time last year, earning $721 million, or $2.33 a share, for the period that ended June 30.

That’s a 77 percent increase from this time last year, and (if I’m reading this right) a $129 million increase from last quarter. Imagine making $129 million dollars in three months? No, really, try and imagine that.

Okay, stop. Don’t hurt yourself.

To put those numbers into perspective, yesterday number two engine Yahoo! announced they earned a-meager-in-comparison $164.3 million, or 11 cents per share. I think you can see the difference. Google totally won.

Where’d all that money come from? Take a look for yourself.

Google Sites Revenues – Google-owned sites generated revenues of $1.43 billion, or 58% of total revenues. This represents a 94% increase over second quarter 2005 revenues of $737 million and a 10% increase over first quarter 2006 revenues of $1.30 billion.

Google Network Revenues – Google’s partner sites generated revenues, through AdSense programs, of $997 million, or 41% of total revenues. This is a 58% increase over network revenues of $630 million generated in the second quarter of 2005 and a 7% increase over first quarter 2006 revenues of $928 million.

International Revenues – Revenues from outside of the United States contributed 42% of total revenues, compared to 42% in the first quarter of 2006 and 39% in the second quarter of 2005. Had foreign exchange rates remained constant from the first quarter through the second quarter of 2006, our revenues would have been $26 million lower. Had foreign exchange rates remained constant from the second quarter of 2005 through the second quarter of 2006, our revenues would have been $18 million higher.

Wow. That’s all I got. Just, Wow. Good job, boys!

Lisa Barone is a writer, content marketer & VP of strategy at Overit Media. She's also a very active Twitterer, much to the dismay of the rest of the world.

See Lisa's author page for links to connect on social media.

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