Happy Birthday, Google!
Today is Google’s 7th birthday. We’ve all heard the Google origin story, about those two crazy kids from Stanford started out with a dream and a mission. But really, all we care about is that they’re the biggest game in town.
Using Google’s own fine search engine, I’ve discovered Google’s horoscope for the day. Let’s take a look, shall we?
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (September 7). For the most part, you’re afraid of nothing and no one. You realize that the fear that kept you from achieving in years past no longer holds a place in your life. This month features the dance of love with a lot of push and pull. Next month, the end of a career cycle puts you on to more lucrative things. Love with Libra and Sagittarius has a magical quality. Your lucky numbers are: 7, 45, 2, 19 and 38.
Afraid of nothing and no one? Does that mean that Google isn’t worried about Ballmer’s alleged threat to kill Google?
Or maybe shedding that fear of achieving is why they’ve been working on so many products unrelated to search recently like Google Talk and Google Wallet. Speaking of Google Wallet, is that why they’re looking for a Fraud Operations Director, Merchant Payment Solutions?
Search Engine Watch thinks that we’re going to see an index increase soon which could certainly pass for a dance of (PR) love.
I don’t think anyone is surprised by the prediction of “lucrative things” for Google but it certainly makes you wonder who the Libra and Sagittarius are going to be. Hmm…