Happy New Year
And welcome back. We hope you had a very good holiday season. Things are getting exciting here and wow, are things exciting in search right now and they’re just going to get more so. Be sure to check out the preceding entry by Bruce Clay. He’s looking into the future through the lens of experience to give an idea of what to expect. Unlike the LA Times, Bruce doesn’t see a low cost Google PC or an OS in the future but I’ll let you read it yourself to find out what he does see.
But first a quick recap of the fun and important things that happened while we were away.
- The Search Engine Journal Awards were announced. Matt Cutts won best SEO blog as well as the heated (heh) competition for the title of Most Likely to Flame. Better luck next year, Jeremy.
- Phillip Lenssen at GoogleBlogoscoped took a look at Web Trend that Should Die.
- Marissa Mayer cleared up some speculation about the meaning of the AOL deal and made it clear that there would be “no flying doodads ever”.
- The BBC noted that 2005 was The Year of the Citizen Reporter, reaffirming the power of the blog.
- Google Talk is facing a bit of a legal battle, as they’re being accused of patent infringement. Danny Sullivan has the story so far.