Search Characteristics of Americans
According to Chris Sherman of Search Engine Watch, more than 50% of people search on the Internet when they go online.
This finding comes from a study done by icrossing–they interviewed 2,100 adults concerning their Internet searching tendencies. So, what were people searching for? The study revealed the following:
- 88% said they were searching for something specific–usually related to hobbies.
- Women (61%) were more likely to search for medical information than were men (35%)
- Only 28% of people were looking for jobs online
- 75% of people searched for directions or maps
- 64% went online for news
- 51% went online to shop
- 47% were looking for entertainment websites
Google was voted the number one search engine followed by Yahoo, MSN, AOL and Ask Jeeves. The type of information that each person searched for was different for all search engines.
The study also revealed some interesting facts including:
- People are using the Internet much more frequently than the Yellow Pages or books.
- 80% of shoppers online are comparing prices rather than looking for local retailers.
- Internet users are not loyal to particular search engines. Only 13% reported that they use Google only.
- 56% of Internet users do not understand the difference between paid and organic listings.
Be sure to read the article for more interesting searching facts.