With the progression of technology, it’s becoming easier and easier to depart from face-to-face communication. And although the Internet has allowed businesses to touch a wider audience than ever before, the human aspect of interaction outside of the cyber world is still very powerful.
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This month, I joined the talented team at Bruce Clay as its newbie writer. I’ve been fortunate in my career to not only have a background in writing for print and online media but to also have experience in public relations and marketing. It’s given me added perspective on how to approach relationships in the business world. And while I’m an advocate for social media and of course, a holistic SEO plan, I also understand the power of communication sans technology.
A while back, a friend of mine moved to the South. Since then, it seems we only keep up with each other via Facebook updates. One day, she sent me a card … in the mail … through the post office.
It would have taken her fewer than 30 seconds to type up and send what she wanted to say through e-mail; but, she took the time to handwrite a card, put on a postage stamp and wait patiently for a few days until it reached my home. She sacrificed instant gratification for the human touch. And it was extremely powerful.
So how does this relate to businesses? If you have a solid online presence and you’re making it a top priority to maintain that presence, you’re ahead of the game. But don’t forget to put the human touch on your communications to back up that online strategy. Showing your face and personality outside of the Internet medium can be a very important element in your communications efforts.
You can do this by participating in speaking opportunities that allow you to connect with your peers face to face. Or, set up exhibitor booths at conventions or trade shows to allow for personal conversations with attendees. Additionally, make it a point to show up for or host industry networking and other events where you can reach out to your target audience and exchange ideas.
Good ol’ fashioned communication isn’t dead and in fact, it’s becoming more powerful than ever in its decline. So give those fingers a rest, brush up on your conversational skills and go forth into the world. A little eye contact, a smile and a handshake may open doors for your business in ways you may not have thought possible.