Achieving Strong Themes through Silos and Data Mining Server Logs in the SEO Newsletter

The monthly SEO Newsletter will be blazing its way into inboxes tomorrow. It’s so stuffed with the last month’s news, it’s safe to say you could have been Rip Van Winkle the past few weeks and none would be the wiser after your reading of November’s SEO Newsletter.

For a preview of what’s to come, check out some excerpts from this month’s articles.

Siloing – How to Theme a Web Site for Clear Subject Relevance

Siloing is a way of arranging a Web site’s contents according to themes, which facilitates search engine optimization. Search engines catalog information logically by subject, which allows them to easily find and return the most relevant Web sites for any user’s search query. The more organized your site contents are, the clearer your site’s subject relevance becomes to search engines as well as to users.

The term “siloing” is accepted SEO-industry jargon now, based on the idea of agricultural silos. Farmers, of course, have to keep different grains in separate silos. If barley, oats and wheat were all mixed together, the mixture would lose its value and no longer be sellable as anything other than just generic “grains.”

Similarly, a Web site’s contents must be clearly categorized into themes in order for a search engine to know what it specifically contains. You can achieve clear subject relevance and the best SEO benefit by siloing your site contents.

Focusing SEO Efforts with Server Log Data

The ability to track a consumer’s interactions with a brand or business from initial exposure to completed conversion is one of the most exciting and useful developments to happen to commerce since the advent of the Internet itself. Finally, business owners are able to see, in records generated straight from the source as they happen, what’s working or not working with customers visiting a Web site.

One of the most basic sources of this data is a Web server log. Analyzing the data stored within a Web server log provides a business owner or Web site optimizer with an educational resource about the behavior of visitors to the site.

By knowing the most popular pages, products or resources on the site, an SEO can devote time to bettering these profitable areas. By identifying stumbling blocks or less popular areas of a site, an SEO can manage their time when improving these resource drains of the site. By understanding current interactions on the site there can be improvement of future interactions and experiences.

If you’d like to subscribe to the SEO Newsletter, head over to that handy “Subscribe to our SEO Newsletter” field in the right-hand sidebar of this page and prepare to witness a search industry newsletter of epic proportions! Mwahahaha!!

(So I might have caught a strain of sleep-deprived crazy syndrome after working on the newsletter this weekend, but I pinky swear, it’s a keeper.)

Virginia Nussey is the director of content marketing at MobileMonkey. Prior to joining this startup in 2018, Virginia was the operations and content manager at Bruce Clay Inc., having joined the company in 2008 as a writer and blogger.

See Virginia's author page for links to connect on social media.

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Filed under: SEO
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One Reply to “Achieving Strong Themes through Silos and Data Mining Server Logs in the SEO Newsletter”

I love the idea of Silos… and I have found great success with them. I think many people undervalue the importance of site architecture when it comes to SEO and achieving good rankings.


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