BCI Gives Thanks to the SEO Industry and Even Google

Since Thanksgiving became a national holiday in 1863, the last Thursday of November has been a time dedicated to family, friends, food and reflection as Americans look back on the year and think of the things they are thankful for. As the Bruce Clay, Inc. staff reflected on the year, they discovered they had a lot to be thankful for within the SEO industry itself.

Bruce Clay Gives Thanks for Google and the SEO Industry

Happy Thanksgiving on digital tabletBCI president and founder Bruce Clay expressed gratitude for Google and the unique opportunity he’s had to be part of SEO from the ground up.

“I think that the entire SEO industry would not exist if it wasn’t for Google. Google changing things so often has been a catalyst for the need to have technology that is current. As Google changes, so does the demand for SEO and I am, quite frankly, thankful that Google has been here and promoted search and, whether intentionally or not, has fostered the need for search engine optimization in general,” he said.

“SEO is an emerging industry — we got into it before it was even an industry and it has grown and grown, and I’m thankful for an opportunity to get into something like this at the ground floor. The vast majority of all the people in the world never get to participate in the formation of an industry, and I am really thankful for having had the opportunity and support of my clients and colleagues to be in an industry which I find to be amazingly dynamic and a lot of fun.”

BCI’s Staff Gives Thanks for Leaders, Tools, Books & More

And here, more of our words of thanks from across our team. We’d love if you’d add your thoughts to our conversation via the comments. There’s so much to be grateful for.

Matt Cutts and his videos — he does a really great job of being helping webmasters and SEOs. He provides insight into SEO technicalities so there’s less confusion. I appreciate Cutts’ time.” —Maryann Robbins

“I’m thankful for the SEOToolSet. Without it clients wouldn’t understand what ‘getting the red out’ means, plus it’s a great reference point for clients that know little or nothing about SEO. And coffee. I’m thankful for coffee.” —Micah Albert

“I’m thankful for a profession and peers that constantly challenge me to grow and learn. (I’m especially looking at you, ladies; you know who you are!)” —Virginia Nussey

“‘SEO for Excel’ by Niels Bosma — it makes Excel infinitely useful for SEOs.” —Robert Meinke

“I’m thankful for the steady stream of SEO information coming from resources like Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Watch, Search Engine Land, and of course, The SEO Newsletter.” —David Vasquez

“I am thankful for Barry Schwartz constantly keeping an eye out for Google updates – his consistency keeps me sane. Also there is a great book out by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel: ‘The Age of Context.’” —Bradley Leese

“I’m thankful for the Inside AdWords blog that keeps me on my toes when it comes to updates and improving account performance. I’m also thankful for Elizabeth Marsten’s ebook, ‘Write Ad Copy-that Inspires Greatness,’ which keeps me in tune with my creative side when creating ads.” —Diana Becerra

“I’m thankful for mobile and the new frontier of opportunities the platform presents to digital advertisers and marketers.” —Matthew Young

“No. 1: Manual Actions in Webmaster Tools – it keeps us busy. No 2.: 3.4 ghz processors that allow me to work much faster. No. 3: Occasional sunlight in my office.” — Luke Bowen

“I’m thankful to be part of a team committed to integrity and thought leadership in an ever-shifting industry, and especially to work on projects like the nearly finished ‘Content Marketing Strategies for Professionals‘ book, which express those values through education.” —Paula Allen

“I’m thankful that we had fewer Google algorithm updates this year than the last.” —Naghmeh Jafarzadeh

“I’m grateful for good blogs like The Bruce Clay Blog and Occam’s Razor that help make sense of a deep and dynamic industry. I’m also grateful for patient coworkers who answer my endless questions!” —John Alexander

“I’m thankful for thought leaders like Bruce Clay and Eric Enge. Their insights are a useful resource for SEO analysts.” — Tiago Puel

“I am thankful for the team collaboration at BCI. Our SEM, SEO, and content departments work together rather than individually. Our collaborative approach boost client results and allows everyone at BCI to learn from one another.” —Michael Shore

“I’m thankful for Google Webmaster Tools videos and our spankin’ new computers that make sifting through our miles of data much easier.” —Rob Ramirez

What are you thankful for when it comes to search engine optimization, search engine marketing or social media marketing? Share with us in the comments.

Kristi Kellogg is a journalist, news hound, professional copywriter, and social (media) butterfly. Currently, she is a senior SEO content writer for Conde Nast. Her articles appear in newspapers, magazines, across the Internet and in books such as "Content Marketing Strategies for Professionals" and "The Media Relations Guidebook." Formerly, she was the social media editor at Bruce Clay Inc.

See Kristi's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (4)
Filed under: SEO
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4 Replies to “BCI Gives Thanks to the SEO Industry and Even Google”


Google has been so efficient especially with its latest innovations. Although not everything from them is really at the top-notch scene, you get to know the new policies that they are trying to implement. You will not get it at first but time will come that you will appreciate it more than you did with the previous developments.

I like this article! Great read.

I also am Thankful for google and all of their amazing geniuses that make my life easier day in and day out.

Hi Kristi,

I couldn’t agree more with Bruce’s grateful acknowledgement for Google’s role. Google is the primary reason SEOs have steady employment, and for that we should be truly grateful.

– Cole


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