Coverage Schedule for SES NY 2008
Hi all. It’s liveblogging schedule posting time. (Didn’t we just do this? I could have sworn there was a conference not too long ago and we did the whole liveblogging thing already? Maybe I dreamt it?)
This time around things will be a bit different because we’ll be traveling and running the booth without our fearless leader Bruce (sad face), who is in Sydney gallivanting around and riding kangaroos speaking at Ad:Tech and gearing up to teach our Australian SEO course.
But fear not, there will be no shortage of Bruce Clay folk in attendance at SES. Robert Esparza (VP of Operations at Bruce Clay & Susan’s big brother) will be playing the role of Mini Bruce and you can expect lots of fine analysts to be present to answer all of your SEO-related questions.
And to bring some snark to the mix, I will of course be liveblogging all the crazy session mayhem. Here’s where you can find me.
Day 0: Sunday, March 16, 2008
7:00am: Depart from Burbank Airport with Robert.
7:05am: Start impressing Robert with my ability to make silly faces. Repeat for five hours.
3:10pm: Land in New York.
3:12pm: Foil Robert’s attempt at abandoning me at the airport.
Day 1: Monday, March 17, 2008
9:30am-10:45am: Redefining The Customer
11:15am-12:30pm: Analytics: Data Into Action
2:00pm-3:15pm: Search Around The World – Part 2: The UK & Europe
3:45pm-5:30pm: Orion Panel: Getting Vertical Search Right
~6:00pm: Meet up with the rest of the Bruce Clay, Inc. gang!
Day 2: Tuesday, March 18, 2008
9:00am-10:00am: Opening Keynote: Nick Carr
11:00am-12:15am: Why Local Is Different
1:30pm-2:45pm: Orion Panel: Universal Search
3:15pm-4:30pm: Omniture Sponsored Session – Optimizing Search Marketing Campaigns
4:45pm-6:00pm: Landing Page Testing & Tuning
Day 3: Wednesday, March 19, 2008
9:00am-9:45am: Morning Keynote: Gordon McLeod
10:15am-11:30am: Ad Testing: Research & Findings
1:00pm-2:15pm: Top Search Trends
2:30pm-3:30pm: Afternoon Keynote: Jason Calacanis
4:00pm-5:15pm: Social Media Research – Informing Search Strategies
5:30pm-6:45pm: Social Search: The Next Step
Day 4: Thursday, March 20, 2008
9:00am-9:45am: Morning Keynote: Andrew Tomkins
10:00-11:00pm: Staffing Up Search
11:15pm-12:15pm: OldTimer – The Impact of Search on Brand Health Metrics
12:45pm-1:45pm: My Search Is Better Than Your Search
In case you weren’t keeping count, that’s a total of 19 sessions in three and a half days, which will be the most sessions I have ever liveblogged at one conference. Expect me to be dead upon arrival back to California. Thanks.
And just for good measure, here’s a list of sessions going on at SES NY that we’re not covering this time around, but have covered in the past. It’s our little gift to you.
Organic Listings Forum – covered in Chicago
Web Analytics: Measuring Success – covered in SES NY 2007
Auditing Page Listings and Click Fraud Issues – covered in SES NY 2007
Converting Visitors Into Buyers – covered in SES London 2007
Ads in a Quality Score World – covered in SES NY 2007
Search Engine Friendly Design – covered in SES NY 2007
Usability & SEO: 2 Wins For the Price of 1 – covered in Chicago and San Jose
Podcast & Audio Search – covered in SES San Jose
Images & Search Engines – covered in San Jose and Chicago 2006
Video Search Optimization – covered in Chicago