Finding an SEO Company, Mobile Google Docs & Super Branding

Does Your Search Engine Optimization Company Get You?

Over at Search Engine Guide, Scott Buresh asks: Does Your Search Engine Optimization Company Understand Your Marketing Strategy?

I hope so. Otherwise, what the hell are you paying for?

If you’ve already made the commitment and hired a search engine optimization company, my hope would be that, at some point before the contract was signed, the two of you got together and discussed your goals, what your SEO campaign would entail and how you’ll work together to achieve all of that. If not, well, let’s just pray you didn’t just make a huge mistake.

Part of the are-we-compatible test that clients and search engine optimization companies must go through involves ensuring that everyone is on the same page and that the SEO company will be able to deliver what you’re asking. And those goals have to be specific. You shouldn’t just accept an optimization company’s promise that they’ll get you "number one rankings". Number one rankings for what? A keyword phrase you have no interest in? As Scott points out in this article, anyone can do that.

Beyond just establishing your campaign goals, you also want to make sure everyone is okay with the means that will be used to accomplish these goals. You want to know before you sign the contract that the search engine optimization company you’re looking at plays on that other side of the fence.

The only way you’re going to have a good relationship with the search engine optimization company you’ve just hired is if everyone is working with the same strategy and end goal in mind. It’s really comes down to setting expectations.

An Almost-functional mobile Google Docs

That workaholic inside of you is going to be so very happy! Google has gone ahead and released a semi-functional mobile version of Google Docs. This means that you can access your saved files while shopping, eating out and most especially while you’re driving and supposed to paying attention to the road. Huzzah for near-death car experiences!

I called the mobile version of Google Docs "semi-functioning" because all you can really use it for at this stage is for reading text documents or viewing spreadsheets. You can’t write, edit or even view a presentation. It’s basically just a big tease. But it’s a big Google tease, so look excited, people!

An Excellent Example in Branding

Do you know where I want to work? I want to work at Netflix. I mean, just read that ad:

Read it?

Good. Now go look at your employment page/site content/blog. Does it get people excited the way Netflix’s does? Do you encourage customers to be creative, promise a delightful experience, and exude a fun, caring attitude? If not, are you trying to sabotage your marketing efforts?

Everything that your company puts out should be written in the feeling that you’re trying to evoke from your customers. It should make them excited about investing their time or dollars with you. If it doesn’t do that, it’s time for a rewrite. And maybe time to go hire a better copywriter.

Fun Finds

Search Marketing Guru’s Alex Cohen was lucky enough to attend Mike Grehan’s eMetrics session Who Moved The Goal Posts? and provides us with a recap. Huzzah. (Hi, Mike!)

Search Engine Land issued The Big SMX Social Media NY ’07 Roundup. Go check it out and relive the show all over again.

Lisa Barone is a writer, content marketer & VP of strategy at Overit Media. She's also a very active Twitterer, much to the dismay of the rest of the world.

See Lisa's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (2)
Filed under: SEO
Still on the hunt for actionable tips and insights? Each of these recent SEO posts is better than the last!

2 Replies to “Finding an SEO Company, Mobile Google Docs & Super Branding”

Thats really good if we know before we sign the contract that the search engine optimization company we are looking at plays on that other side of the fence.

Hey Lisa,

Thanks for the shout out about my coverage of Mike’s session at eMetrics. Sorry for the late gratitude, I just found it :-)



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