Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Robert Esparza

We have pictures! [My apologies for the post that went out earlier this morning. I hit the wrong button. I know, I’m adorable.]

After threatening Susan multiple times on multiple days, she has finally provided me with pictures from her big brother Robert Esparza’s weekend wedding. Way to make us all wait, Susan. But enough about Susan, this post is strictly focused on humiliating congratulating Bruce Clay’s Director of Search Engine Operations Robert Esparza and his gorgeous bride Jacqie on their recent marriage.

Here are a few photos for you all to enjoy. Make sure you comment below and wish Robert and Jacqie lots of love, luck and SEO babies! Yey for babies!

[I wish Susan was here since she was actually AT the wedding and could provide better picture commentary, but I’ll do what I can.]

Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Robert Esparza.

Robert and three good men wait for Jacqie to make her appearance. (The head of hair you see on the bottom right belongs to our Susan. She cleans up well.)

Robert and Jacqie declare their undying love for another and you can almost hear the cooing of unborn babies.

Looks like Robert heard them too…

Robert fumbles through his first dance with his new wife, while Jacqie tries not to laugh at him too hard. (Note the wallet chain Robert’s sporting. Gentlemen, please leave the wallet bling at home on your wedding day. The only bling we need to see is the sparkle coming off your bride’s ring.)

Nothing spells wedding like yummy wedding cake. At least I assume it was yummy. Susan didn’t save me a piece.

Obligatory cake on the face photos.

The happy couple takes a breather. If they were any cuter Jacqie would give birth to a litter of puppies.

Senior SEO Analyst Fernando Chavez and IT Manager Aaron Landerkin were on hand to show Robert and Jacqie their support. Aren’t our boys cute?

As a wedding present, Bruce presented Robert and Jacqie with an all-expense paid honeymoon to the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas. Now that I know getting married earns me a free trip to the Bahamas, I have begun interviewing suitors. Applications and resumes can be sent to — uh, never mind.

Congrats again to the happy couple! We’re serious about those babies…

Lisa Barone is a writer, content marketer & VP of strategy at Overit Media. She's also a very active Twitterer, much to the dismay of the rest of the world.

See Lisa's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (5)
Still on the hunt for actionable tips and insights? Each of these recent Digital Marketing Optimization posts is better than the last!

5 Replies to “Introducing Mr. & Mrs. Robert Esparza”

I have your solution Lisa, and it’s cheaper for Bruce, as he’d only have to get you the one ticket to the Bahamas…

Grandmother C

We’re busting our buttons over our No1 Grandson!
Thank you, for the neat pictures. Susan, we love you, too!!!


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