Let Bruce Clay Get You Into SMX Seattle
Maybe it’s because we’ve been talking about it forever or because I’ve been fighting with Susan over liveblogging session dibs, but it’s hard to believe that Search Marketing Expo is just two weeks away. Quite frankly, the plane just can’t take off fast enough. I want to go play with my friends; I mean blog. I want to go blog.
Unfortunately, unless your name is Keri Morgret, you may be a little bummed that you missed your shot to attend next month’s debut SMX conference for free. (We know, but Keri had a seriously good site analysis. Don’t hate her because she’s crafty). But don’t fret, my friends. While we only had one full-conference pass to give away, we can offer loyal blog readers a free Networking pass to get you into the big event.
The Network pass includes:
- Access to the Exhibit and Networking Hall where you’ll meet representatives from the leading search engines, vendors, and premiere companies in the industry.
- Access to all SMX Advanced networking events, including SMX Bash sponsored by Microsoft Sunday night, the SMX Reception sponsored by Yahoo! Search Monday evening, and SMX After Dark: Google Dance Northwest on Monday night.
Most exciting for us, it gives you the chance to walk around the exhibit hall and come visit us at Booth #24. Admit it; you want to come play with us.
You have until June 1st to collect your free Networking pass, after that it’s $50 for the same rights and privileges. My advice to you is to hurry up and get it for free and then spend the $50 on alcohol. What? It’s just more cost-effective.
To register for your free Networking pass, simply head over to the SMX Advanced Registration page and enter the ID code bruceclay EH.
And remember, if you’d like to attend the full conference, we can use our powers of persuasion to make Danny offer you a 20% discount off the full price. (Huzzah! That’s another $250 you can spend on alcohol!) To make good on your discount, go to the SMX Advanced registration page and enter the ID code: bruceclay20. If you are dreaming of a full conference pass, I’d encourage you to hurry up and purchase your ticket. Danny Sullivan says tickets are going fast and they’re almost sold out.
You can find the show’s full agenda on the SMX site, complete with the list of speakers, sessions, and descriptions. I’d also like to remind you that SMX is your first (and most likely last) chance to see Lisa Barone* and Susan Esparza in the same room. Do you want to pass that up? [Are we still pretending I’m not just a figment of your imagination? –Susan] – Once the masses meet you and all of your annoyingness, they will appreciate me so much more.
We’ll see you in Seattle!
[*Yes, I did just refer to myself in the third person. Do you want to harp on that or go secure yourself a spot in Seattle? Hurry along now.]

One Reply to “Let Bruce Clay Get You Into SMX Seattle”
The entire time someone is visiting booths 23 and 25 their eyes will be peeking to the side, longingly looking at booth 24. Their heads will be full of ways to politely end their conversations without appearing to be rude so they get to “the real booth”.
I hope Danny gives them a discount or something, I feel sorry for them and will give 23 and 25 a “mercy visit”.