Schedule for Search Engine Strategies San Jose 2007

It’s about that time, my friends; time to make the long drive up to San Jose for Search Engine Strategies. SES San Jose 2006 was my first-ever search conference so I’m excited to head up and relive it all over again, this time with a little less terror in my eyes.
You’ll be excited to hear that both Bruce and Mike will be making the trip to San Jose this year, and of course, we’ll stuff several members of the BC staff in the trunk as well (the cramped quarters fosters team bonding). If you’re going to be in town for the show, you’ll be able to catch Bruce and Mike both speaking at Thursday’s Organic Listings Forum and Mike will be earning his hefty paycheck (we pay him in Sauvignon Blanc) speaking on the One Billion Searchers (Mike issues a sneak peak on his personal blog), Link Building Basics and SEO Q&A On Links panels. Yowsa.

In order to keep my title of Bruce Clay’s Conference MVP away from Mike, I’ll once again be liveblogging the various sessions. Here’s a look at my schedule so you know what to expect and where to find me.

Day 0: Sunday, August 19, 2007
~ late afternoon/early evening: Arrive in San Jose

Day 1: Monday, August 20, 2007
9:00am-10:30am: Advertising Track – Post Search Ads
11:00am-12:30pm: Searcher Track – Universal & Blended Search
2:00pm-3:30pm: Searcher Track – Personalization, User Data & Search
4:00pm-5:30pm: ClickZ Track – One Billion Searchers
~6:00pm: Meet up with the rest of the Bruce Clay, Inc. gang!

Day 2: Tuesday, August 21, 2007
9:00am-9:45am: Keynote Conversation with Jim Lanzone
10:30am-12:00pm: Multimedia Track – Podcast & Audio Search Optimization
1:30pm-2:45pm: Multimedia Track – Images & Search Engines
3:15pm-4:30pm: Multimedia Track – Video Search Engine Optimization
4:45pm-6:00pm: Issues Track – Are Paid Links Evil?

Day 3: Wednesday, August 22, 2007
9:00am-9:45am: Keynote Conversation with Marissa Mayer
10:30am-12:00pm: Industry Track: Search APIs
1:30pm-2:45pm: Industry Track: So You Want To Be A Search Marketer
3:15pm-4:30pm: Industry Track: SEM Pricing Models
4:45-6:00pm: Industry Track: The SEO Reputation Problem (with Jason Calacanis!)

Day 4: Thursday, August 23, 2007
9:00am-10:15am: Analyzing the Analytics Players
10:45am-12:00pm: User Generated Content & Search
12:30pm-1:45pm: Social Media Track: Buzz Monitoring

Until Bruce and Susan get that cloning thing all figured out, I can only be at one session at a time. To make up for it, here’s a list of San Jose sessions I won’t be able to get to this time around, but have covered in the past.

Lisa Barone is a writer, content marketer & VP of strategy at Overit Media. She's also a very active Twitterer, much to the dismay of the rest of the world.

See Lisa's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (7)
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7 Replies to “Schedule for Search Engine Strategies San Jose 2007”

This sounds like it could be a interesting. I will try to go. Thanks for the information.

Hey Lisa,

This is the REAL Curtis here – some faker is apparently writing comments in my name!

Yo fake Curtis, how about using your own name from now on?

Thanks Lisa and see you next week,

Matt — Don’t you just love it?! I’m bringing the popcorn. Hopefully someone else will bring the tar.

Aargh! Even if it’s an all-you-eat buffet I can only cram so much food in at once!
I’m having the same difficult but fun issue with my company. Different teams want me to be in 2, sometimes 3 places at once.

whoa there nelly!

Day 3
4:45-6:00pm: Industry Track: The SEO Reputation Problem (with Jason Calacanis!)

Is he gonna wear a kevlar vest and have some secret service with him? Or does he get a little ride in the pope-mobile to protect him from the flying chairs?

Ah, thanks for the heads up, Curtis aka My Favorite Canadian. Have no fear, the link has been fixed so now everyone can go and read about your SES NY session. :p

Hey Lisa,

Just wanted to let you know that your last two links (for sessions previously covered) are the same :)

See you in SJ!

Your favorite Canadian,



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