Search Headlines – Must-Read SEM Blogs

Google Reader Trends

This was the talk of the blogosphere today. Mihai Parparita blogged about the debut of Good Reader Trends, which gives GR users a visual of their feed reading and subscription behavior. Upon accessing the page, users get a general description of their reading trends, a fancy bar chart, tag cloud and a detailed list of how often and thoroughly they read their feeds.

I have to admit it, it’s pretty cool. I like what Google Reader has been doing lately, but I still can’t pull myself away from my Bloglines. It’s just more functional for me, even if it doesn’t have all the fancy features of Google Reader and is moderately slower to update.

Be sure to check out Matt Cutt’s Reader Trends. Why? Because stalking Matt is fun! Oh, and FYI, just because Andy Beal is subscribed to your feed doesn’t mean he’s actually reading it. Look at those super low % Reads’. Geez, Andy. :)

David Sarokin comments on the demise of Google Answers

This is pretty interesting. Over at ResourceShelf, Gary Price links to an article by Google Researcher David Sarokin where he shares his thoughts on just what happened to Google Answers.

Sarokin blames GA’s lack of success on Google’s inability to market it properly, causing the service to fade into the background.

“People ready and willing to pay for reliable information simply didn’t know where to turn to obtain it. Everyone knew how to ‘Google’, but hardly anyone knew how to ‘Google Answers’. And for some inexplicable reason, Google made it increasingly more difficult to find GA. The service seemed doomed by its own invisibility.”

I’m sure its lack of visibility didn’t help, but I still don’t think it would have lasted. Sarokin disagrees with this, but I can’t see people ever adopting a system where they have to pay to get answers from their peers. I’d rather just walk around the BC office and ask my coworkers. They’re probably a heck of a lot smarter too. Oh well. I guess we’ll never really know what happened.

Lee’s Must Read Search Marketing Blogs

Lee Odden posted a list of the 250+ search marketing blogs he reads regularly. I love when the industry’s top figures create lists of their favorite blogs. It’s a great way to find new blogs you missed and it makes my tummy feel warm and fuzzy to hear that Lee thinks I have blog magic. Don’t tell him, but Lee’s my new best friend.

But seriously, you should check out his list (and download the OPML file). I thought I read a lot of search engine optimization and marketing blogs, but Lee’s got me beat. Lee’s list is definitely going in my bookmarks.

Get a Shiny Zune!

Andy Beal is at it again. Last time he gave away an iPod to one lucky RSS subscriber, and this time he’s offering a Zune to a random MyBlogLog community member. I’m beginning to think Andy was that guy in high school who used to buy his friends with concert tickets and beer. Kidding! You gotta love Andy for going the extra mile.

Oh, and if you’re wondering why it’s a “shiny” Zune, it’s because I’m a big jerk. It seems that during my comments on his last contest, I made four “shiny” references in 150 words or so. I am so obnoxious it hurts. Sorry, Andy!

Fun Finds

WebProNews covers YouTube and the Brazilian Sex Video so I don’t have to, which is good because I’d probably roll my eyes so far back in my head they’d fall out. Thanks, guys!

Check out Week 4 of Li Evans’ Women of Internet Marketing series. Yesterday Li profiled Gillian Muessig, aka Rand’s Mommy, and Dazzlin’Donna and it was plenty informative. For example, I learned that Rand’s famous yellow pumas were actually the brainchild of Mystery Guest (she makes it hard not to like her) and that as a little boy Rand was told, “If you share, you will get more”. Aw, I love Rand and his mommy.

Google pulled its “tips” after getting repeatedly made fun of for them by bloggers. You guys are so mean. offers up Six Improvements to Your Blog which are worth checking out.

Lisa Barone is a writer, content marketer & VP of strategy at Overit Media. She's also a very active Twitterer, much to the dismay of the rest of the world.

See Lisa's author page for links to connect on social media.

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One Reply to “Search Headlines – Must-Read SEM Blogs”

You’ve had comments just a couple of days and you’re already baiting me in here! ;-)

First, I don’t think you’re a jerk, I actually got a kick out of the fact you took to the “shiny” comment.

Second, I read every headline and snippet in my feeds. Google only counts a “read” if you actually read the full post in your reader. With 151 feeds, that’s hard to do each day. :-)


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