Search Headlines – Lawsuits and Football Players

Here We Go Again

I know; I’m a sucker for these stories. TheAge reports (via Search Engine Land) that Copiepresse, the same Belgian newspaper that sued Google and Microsoft, may now take Yahoo to court over the same issues: having the nerve not to give them special treatment and giving readers access to archived articles. When will the engines just delete Copiepresse from their index? Let’s just pretend they don’t exist; then we don’t have to hear them complain. Smart, right?

Meanwhile, we’re all still waiting to hear the results of Google’s appeal regarding its cause with Copiepress. You can be sure I’ll let you know what happens.

European Online Ad Spending On The Rise

eMarketer reports that in 2007 the Internet will make up 7.3 percent of total European ad spend, reaching 9.4 percent in 2010, beating out newspapers, radio and magazines. Also noteworthy was that online ad spending in Western Europe is expected to hit $7.5 billion this year, a 25 percent increase over last year.

I wasn’t aware of this, but eMarketer notes that the UK is the most expensive country in the world for online advertisers, and projects that advertisers will spend $217 per Internet user in the UK and $136 per user in France. Yowsa. Italy, in comparison, is expected to spend only $10 per Internet user. Just one more reason why the entire world should move to Italy.

Searchers Heart Tom Brady (and so do I)

WebProNews discovered that Tom Brady and the New England Patriots’ crushingly awesome win over the San Diego Chargers last weekend (you saw it, right?) seems to have spurred some Tom Brady search craziness. The Yahoo Buzz Log notes that after the Pat’s Chargers destruction, searches for Tom Brady rose 83 percent, with searches for "tom brady pictures" up 93 percent.

That is because Tom Brady is drop-dead gorgeous a highly decorated NFL quarterback who represents all that is good in New England. I’m not sure if you know this, but Tom is my sports figure boyfriend. Peyton should stay home on Sunday.

[Brady may be cute, but the Chargers have the best theme song in all of sports. Just try to not chair dance to that one.–Susan] – You’re kidding, right? That theme song is ridiculous. And even if it wasn’t, a cool theme song does not surpass the hotness that is Tom Brady.

Fun Finds

Search Engine Watch finds that Two- and Three-Word Queries Rule. I want to know what crazies are out there performing 10 word queries. That’s not searching, that’s like playing Web Charades.

SEOmoz’s Jane Copland writes The Things You Didn’t Know You Didn’t Know. I like when the Mozzers let Jane out of that closet they keep her in; she’s fun.

Li Evans is back with the sixth installment of her Women of Internet Marketing series. Do you love these as much as I do? This week Li features two women we love: Jennifer Laycock, and my personal Rand-stalking buddy, SEO Fangirl.

Lisa Barone is a writer, content marketer & VP of strategy at Overit Media. She's also a very active Twitterer, much to the dismay of the rest of the world.

See Lisa's author page for links to connect on social media.

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5 Replies to “Search Headlines – Lawsuits and Football Players”

Schuyler Haussmann

This time you are a bit unfair.

The Belgium fr speaking newspapers are considering attacking yahoo not because they link to their sites (this, I concede, would be foolish), but because they cache their archives, making fee based access to them impossible.
Linking is one thing, caching another.

Note to self: Ask Li Evans if it’s too late to change my Hatbait vote.

I’m no doubt going to get reemed for this… but I’ve got to back Peyton Manning and the Colts for this Sunday’s game.

However… it’s not going to matter either way, because come SuperBowl Sunday, my team, the Chicago Bears will end up destroying whomever is luckiy enough to make it through. GO BEARS!!!

You are COMPLETELY right, Brady is a pretty boy.
Peyton is staying home on Sunday, Brady is coming to HIS house.
Maybe, if you play your cards right, you can be there to console his notness after the Colts embarrass him.

OMG Tom Brady is so hawt! If I was gay he’d be my sports BF too.

I had no idea “the Lisa” was a Ptriots fan!! Ok the shrine goes right back up.

I got a kick out of this when my brother sent it to me after the game last Sunday:



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