Search Headlines – Dueling Diggers

WebProNews Weighs In On The Sullivan/Digg Match

There’s been a lot of talk regarding Danny’s open letter blog post to Jason Calacanis, but the situation got even more intense once Danny’s post was Dugg and the SEO-hating community over at Digg got their hands on it. As you can imagine, they pretty much attacked him, especially once he jumped in and tried to explain to them that they are morons politely explain his point of view.

WebProNews had a great post today that entitled Daring Danny
Duels with Diggers
(alliteration is hot!) that breaks down exactly what happened at Digg and what Danny should have done differently to help "win over" some of the angry Diggers, as if that was even possible. My favorite part is Mike McDonald’s suggestion that Danny try to speak their language while addressing them. Mike says Danny lost when he went in using terms like "relevant" and "conversion" instead of just responding:

"OMFG!1!1 that is teh ghey! SEO hax are teh k1llz0rs, n00bs! Your’e all just pist cuz your moms pron fell off teh yahoos. You shuld be kicked off teh internets1!eleventy!1!!"

Hee! I heart Mike McDonald. [I’d like to take a second to endorse Mike’s seven-year-old’s choice for president. Mario/Luigi ’08! –Susan] I have no idea what you’re talking about but, YES! (I think)

The Digg comment thread is worth reading, if only because it shows how intolerant Digg is of anything smelling like SEO. Plus, it’s always fun to read angry sentences that start out with "you people". My father does that, usually pointing a finger at you at the same time.

Vodafone uploads YouTube onto UK Cell phones

Vodafone subscribers aren’t just getting access to MySpace mobile on their cell phones, they’re also getting YouTube. Huzzah! She’ll like deny this, but Susan couldn’t be more excited. [So this is what the death of society looks like…-Susan]

According to CNET, YouTube mobile users will be able to view selected YouTube videos, forward their favorite links to friends and upload their own videos from their phone. My question is why on earth would you want to do this? I mean, I’m all for advancing technology and making life more convenient, but this seems a little nutty. Are you really that addicted to YouTube that you can’t wait until you get home to see some poorly shot video featuring an overweight 18-year-old karaoking to his favorite Hillary Duff song?

If you are, YouTube Mobile will able available through the Vodafone Live Web portal sometime later this year.

Spam More Expensive Than You Thought

David Utter says according to Postini’s annual communications intelligence report, the volume of spam rose 147 percent in 2006, with 94 percent of email in December being reported as spam. Sweet Jesus!

Based on those stats, the Royal Pingdom blog made their best guess as to how much money businesses in the United States are losing as a result of spam.

"According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the average hourly salary is $18.21. Based on that, one minute of a worker’s time is worth just over $0.30. This means that for every minute lost for those 86 million workers, $26.1 million goes down the drain. In one year, 260 work days, that amounts to almost $6.8 billion."

That’s kind of ridiculous. And as the Pingdom blog noted, that’s only money lost due to time. It doesn’t include things like security issues, productively losses or those really important emails that get eaten by your spam filters and you never ever see them.

Fun Finds

Chris Hooley received an interesting offer to sell one of his Web sites and is seeking advice over what he should do at his blog. Go share your opinion and help a kid out. I’m withholding my two cents in fear that I will be held responsible should something go terribly wrong. Best of luck, Chris. :)

Search Market Pro outlines the varying levels of The Search Conference Groupie. Can anyone tell me what level I fall into? I can’t figure it out.

Lisa Barone is a writer, content marketer & VP of strategy at Overit Media. She's also a very active Twitterer, much to the dismay of the rest of the world.

See Lisa's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (1)
Filed under: SEO
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One Reply to “Search Headlines – Dueling Diggers”

Nice finds there. I was especially interested to find out I was “the wannabe” from that last link- Sad but true :-(


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