SES San Francisco 2011: Social Media Metrics
The goal of this session is to answer the most challenging questions people have. There are no presentations, just a Q-and-A. We have four panelists: Jamie Duklas, Hallie Janssen, Sundhi Kapur and a social media Spaniard named Wally who omitted his last name.
Q: Attribution: How do you measure all the touch points that drove a conversion?
Janssen: Attribution is a very hard thing to do. Omniture, Web Trends and Google Analytics are getting better at this.
Duklas: I do give the last click the most credit because that’s what converted.
Q: What do you measure, what are the top three to four KPIs?
Janssen: EdgeRank in Facebook – she looks at fans and how many posts and like and comments. Going a step beyond that, she looks at impressions.Are people interacting enough to get to the top of the news feed? What is the impression per fan? How many of the fans actually engage with you?
Kapur: One lesson I’ve learned is that EdgeRank matters. Comments receive the most weight in EdgeRank. I assign a score and use points to fans who are engaging.
Q: I’ve used Twitter Grader and Blog Grader, but I’m lost with Klout. Any insights on how to understand Klout and manipulate variables.
Kapur: To manipulate Klout, tweet a lot.
Janssen: I like to use Twittalyzer, the frenemy to Klout. It was created by a Web analytics guru. These two tools are easy to game. They measure influence – followers; velocity – how often are you tweeting?; impact – how often do you get retweeted or replied to?; following – how many people do you follow? Are they spammy?
Duklas: Get a lot more engagement to increase Klout. Go on Twitter chats. People actively retweet and mention you. Klout score can go up two or three points. They even look at the click-throughs to the links.
Wally: We have to be careful with the numbers. I’m talking about POV from Europe. They are mostly small business – they are looking to make money, not followers. They want to hear people and understand the user. Which topics are most retweeted? What do people like?
What is your opinion on Twitter ratio?
Duklas: For brands, it’s nice to follow back. Try to keep it even. Don’t follow back spam accounts.
Wally: If you have a big brand with a lot of followers, follow a few people, recommend to your followers they people you follow. If you follow all the thousands of followers, I think this is wrong, because you’re not having a conversation with everyone.
Duklas: I use a Twitter list for recommendations. People do care about being on a list. It’s a way to show people you care. Klout factors in Twitter lists.
Janssen: Focus on getting on Twitter lists and will help your overall score and reach.
Q: Why is Klout important?
Duklas: I think everyone is trying to figure out who is influential online. Klout gets talked about a lot because it’s ego-driven. The long term value of Klout will be determined.
Q: Do you want to connect with people who have higher Klout scores?
Janssen: Ultimately, yes, you want to be in their social circle.
Duklas: Klout is more of an add-on. It’s another data point.
Q: Do you have a strategy behind what content you post on Twitter vs. Facebook? Once you’ve selected, do you have an automated way to do so.
Janssen: The strategy depends on your user base. What are my business and marketing objectives? I’m trying to sell, recruit, promotions, etc. List all of these things and match them with your users. Facebook may not be the best platform for you.
Duklas: How I choose content is push my own original content and then have good third-party articles that are industry related necause you don’t just want it to be all about you. Automated vs. manual: I like to manually post on Facebook because you can have an image in your post and the first paragraph, which can show up in your news feed. This creates a better user experience.
Janssen: I don’t think you should do auto posts on Facebook. Hootsuite can schedule your Twitter posts. This is great for Twitter. Argyle Social is another tool. You can publish and do a lot of tracking in this. For agencies, you can actually white label it.
Q: Are there any tools that combine all the social media profiles and activities in one place?
Duklas: There’s not a great solution. Buddy Media might be one.
Kapur: There are widgets that you can add in to pull in reports.
Wally: Raven is good for SEO and social media and it does white label and automatic reporting.
Q: If you’re starting from scratch, what metrics should you track?
Duklas: What are your goals? The end goals are to make money, but there is other things.
Janssen: A B2B channel is LinkedIn and you can list your services and then get recommendation for your services, like you would on a personal profile. Number of followers is another one. I think we forget about LinkedIn.
Wally: In Europe, we look at market and competitors to see how much traffic they get and how many followers and fans they have. If I start from zero and use that as a baseline and try to be a little above. In Spain, we try to calculate how many social users do I need to get one client and how many days did it take to get that.