A Round-Up Of Sorts

Google signed a deal with XM Satellite Radio to insert ads on the radio company’s non-music channels using its dMarc technology. The new ad system could be implemented as early as this year’s fourth quarter, giving AdWords advertisers access to the more than 7 million XM subscribers.

Rumor Alert: MediaPost reported Google’s plans for dMarc include its expansion onto TV. Hmm…

Ask.com & Bloglines released a new access: restricted tag that users can employ to keep Ask from indexing and including the information in the Ask.com or Bloglines blog search.

Ask also announced the addition of an ISBN number shortcut to its Smart Answers. Just type in the ISBN number (don’t lie, we know you have all your favorites memorized!) and Ask will find the book, bring up a photo and direct you to a site where you can compare prices and buy it. It’s a handy tool, though Yahoo! beat them to this one.

AOL announced its moving to a free model. I know, try to look shocked.

Matt Cutts uploaded two more videos. He is just all about the link bait lately.

USA Today profiled Danny Sullivan yesterday, talking about how he made the transition for working in the graphic design department of two prominent newspapers to his launch into this crazy thing called search engine optimization. If anyone deserves all this attention, it’s Danny. In the article, Incisive Managing Director Rory Brown calls Danny a “rock star”. A rock star, indeed!

Yahoo! launched their corporate blog, Yodel Anecdotal. Cute. I hope the blog turns out to be clearer and less… silly(?) than their initial definition of it:

“Think of this site as the front door to our home (work with me as I posit a questionable metaphor): In our kitchen, we’ll offer you a cup of coffee and direct you to the fridge door, where we’ve displayed the things we’re most proud of. We’ll demonstrate our latest inventions from the workbench in our garage, engage in healthy debates around the dining room table (pass the pepper, please), and sink into overstuffed chairs in the living room to share some of our favorite photos. We’ll point out the shower where we do our best thinking (apologies for the visual) and the den, where we goof around.”

Um, yeah. Welcome home. Or something.

Lisa Barone is a writer, content marketer & VP of strategy at Overit Media. She's also a very active Twitterer, much to the dismay of the rest of the world.

See Lisa's author page for links to connect on social media.

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