8 Ways PPC Services Take Small Business Advertising to the Next Level

Google Ads analytics overview displayed on computer screen.

Google estimates that “for every $1 a business spends on Google Ads, they receive $8 in profit through Google Search and Ads.”

After all, 44% of consumers said they had purchased a product after seeing an online ad.

Statista graph showing share of consumers who purchased products after seeing an online ad.
Share of consumers who purchased products after seeing an online ad. Source: Statista

For small businesses, PPC can be a lifeline to create brand awareness, secure a spot in the search results and drive foot traffic.

But despite what Google Ads may have you think, an effective digital ads campaign is more than just signing up, choosing a few keywords and launching some ads.

Many small businesses attempting to do PPC on their own can attest to this.

Of course, you can have success with PPC on your own, but there usually comes where you find out that hiring a PPC services provider can take your success to the next level, and here’s why.

In this article, we’ll cover:

1. Staying Ahead of Trends and Changes

Most small business owners and staff are busy running their day-to-day business. Staying on top of advertising trends is last on your to-do list.

PPC service providers have an in-depth knowledge of the advertising ecosystem and stay up-to-date on changes related to advertising platforms (which can be a lot), so they can pivot quickly.

2. Strategic Keyword Selection

Effective keyword selection is the heart of any effective PPC campaign. Choosing keywords isn’t just a point-and-click strategy — it requires a deep understanding of your target audience.

Your knowledge of your target audience paired with a PPC agency’s ability to take a deeper dive into the queries they are using means more relevant ads.

And a bonus: Many PPC agencies already have experience in your industry and know what works and doesn’t work.

3. Crafting Engaging Ad Copy

Writing ad copy is an art and science.

Sure, anyone can put some words in an ad, but crafting engaging copy that directly speaks to the needs and desires of target audiences is something that PPC service producers expertly do.

The goal is to create ads so good that your audience can’t help but click.

4. Optimizing Landing Pages

A PPC campaign doesn’t end when clicks come through; for many small businesses, an ad campaign’s success is only as effective as its landing page.

Unfortunately, this is an often overlooked strategy. With expert guidance from a PPC pro, you can see more conversions from your ad campaigns from your landing pages.

5. Data Analysis

One of PPC’s greatest strengths is its measurability. Analytics is more than numbers, though — it’s about uncovering the story behind those numbers.

Expert data analysis can uncover what’s working and what isn’t. PPC service providers can then continuously refine campaigns to ensure every dollar spent represents an investment toward reaching target audiences more effectively.

6. Integrating PPC with the Marketing Strategy

PPC should be just one part of the overarching marketing strategy; when combined with SEO efforts, social media marketing or any other digital strategies it maximizes each channel’s impact and reduces total costs over time.

A good PPC services provider can help you understand how these channels work in tandem. It can offer guidance and data that help in other areas of your marketing, too.

7. Budget Management

Small businesses often find that budget management is one of the most challenging aspects of PPC advertising. Without the right expertise, ad spend can quickly get out of control.

When you partner with a PPC agency, you can get more streamlined campaigns that are less likely to waste ad dollars.

This includes helping set a realistic budget that aligns with your business goals, and then regularly revising strategies based on performance reports from your campaigns.

8. Overcoming PPC Obstacles

Small businesses often get stuck at some point in their advertising journey. PPC agencies come equipped with expert problem solvers who have strategies for conquering any and every ad hurdle you come across – because they’ve seen it all.

Final Thoughts

PPC services offer small businesses an incredible opportunity to expand their online visibility. When you’re ready, partnering with the right PPC agency can take a small business ad campaign to the next level of customer acquisition and revenue.

Here at Bruce Clay, our PPC management service is an ongoing program focused on managing paid ad bids, budget and media. We tailor our PPC services to meet the unique needs of each client.

Ready to discuss how our PPC management experts can help you achieve better results from your paid search advertising campaign? Call us at 1-866-517-1900 or schedule a free consultation today.

FAQ: How can I utilize PPC services to improve my small business’s online presence?

If you’re a small business, utilizing Pay-per-Click (PPC) services can be a gamechanger for your growth and online visibility. PPC essentially levels the playing field as it allows you to compete with any company large or small. And when done right, PPC services can increase brand awareness, help you appear in search results and drive more organic traffic to your site.

Let’s look at how PPC services can benefit your small business and increase your online presence.

Understanding PPC: Pay-Per-Click advertising is highly effective because it helps small businesses appear in the search results right away, offering immediate results. PPC services make your business instantly visible in front of potential customers who are actively searching for products and services like yours. For smaller businesses that haven’t utilized SEO to build a strong online presence, this immediate visibility is extremely valuable in building brand awareness and a customer base.

Setting Up a Campaign: In the beginning, a PPC campaign starts with selecting targeted keywords, writing compelling and engaging text to be placed in your ad, and determining a budget. The keywords you select should be related to the products or services you offer. Agencies that provide professional PPC services have the expertise in identifying high-value keywords to maximize your budget and reach.

Targeting Options: Small businesses are typically focused on many different things at once, so many don’t have the time to figure out how to narrow down a target audience. PPC platforms like Google Ads can help in this regard. These platforms help you with geographic, demographic and device targeting that can optimize your campaign’s performance and ensure your ads are shown to the right people who are most likely to become potential customers. This can significantly improve your ROI.

Cost-Effectiveness: PPC is very cost-effective, which is why it can be so appealing to small businesses. With PPC, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, which means you don’t have to waste money or resources on people who are not in your market. PPC services can give you the right insights and analysis to make necessary adjustments, resulting in higher ROI compared to other traditional marketing methods.

Monitoring and Adjusting: Managing a PPC campaign is an ongoing process that takes up a lot of time and resources for small businesses. Through PPC services, you can regularly monitor your performance and make adjustments to your ads, keywords and budget to ensure you’re getting the best results from your PPC campaign. PPC services can help you A/B test advertisements and experiment with different calls to action than can increase performance and engagement.

SEO Integration: While PPC can improve your website traffic immediately, you can achieve optimal results from your digital marketing strategy by integrating it with other strategies like SEO. PPC services offer small businesses the expertise to improve your SEO by understanding the keywords that perform well and applying this wisdom to your content development strategy.

The Analytics Advantage: Data is extremely important in how you management your PPC campaign. The data you get from analyzing your PPC efforts helps you make informed decisions to adjust and improve your strategy. The metrics you should be tracking include click-through rates, conversion rates and cost per acquisition. Because small businesses usually don’t have the time or resources to analyze their campaign, employing PPC services is a great way to help in this area.

Implementing and managing PPC can be difficult, especially if you don’t understand how to utilize it properly. Working with an expert PPC specialist can streamline this process, improve your campaign’s efficiency and results, effectively increasing your online presence.

Step-by-Step Procedure:

  1. Define the goals and objectives you hope to achieve through PPC, such as increasing website traffic, leads, sales, or revenue.
  2. Identify who your target audience is based on things like demographic and psychographic characteristics.
  3. Research and select the relevant keywords or queries that potential customers are likely to use.
  4. Set realistic budgets based on your financial resources and marketing goals.
  5. Research PPC platforms like Google Ads or Bing Ads, select one that is right for you and create an account.
  6. Write ad copy that is compelling and highlights the unique selling points of your product or service.
  7. For better organization, look for ways to structure your PPC campaign into ad groups based on similar keywords.
  8. Create and publish landing pages to direct users after they have clicked on your ad. This helps to increase your conversion rate.
  9. Implement ways to track and monitor the actions of users after they click your ad.
  10. Launch your PPC campaign and closely monitor its initial performance.
  11. Analyze performance data and make necessary adjustments to bids, ads, or keywords.
  12. Try out different ad elements like imagery, headlines, or descriptions. This is known as A/B testing.
  13. Regularly review your ad copy. Update and refresh to avoid fatigue and improve ad performance.
  14. Analyze user behavior and conversion data, then optimize landing pages as needed to increase your chances of converting.
  15. Explore advanced targeting options like remarketing to expand your campaign reach.
  16. Review geographic performance and adjust your bids in regions that perform well.
  17. Expand your target keyword list based on search query reports to capture broader relevant searches.
  18. Add negative keywords to prevent your ads from showing up in irrelevant searches. This also helps reduce wasted budget.
  19. Research optimal times to run ads based on the online behavior of your audience, then schedule your ads to run during these times.
  20. Integrate PPC data with other marketing platforms to get a complete picture of how well your marketing strategy is performing.
  21. Determine the campaigns that perform the best, then reallocate budget to those.
  22. Stay informed on the latest PPC trends and technology updates.
  23. If you need help implementing and/or managing PPC, work with a PPC expert for guidance and to leverage advanced tools and strategies.
  24. Use customer feedback about your PPC ads to make adjustments and improve user experience.
  25. Bruce Clay is founder and president of Bruce Clay Inc., a global digital marketing firm providing search engine optimization, pay-per-click, social media marketing, SEO-friendly web architecture, and SEO tools and education. Connect with him on LinkedIn or through the BruceClay.com website.

    See Bruce's author page for links to connect on social media.

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