New Study Suggests How to Leverage Consumer Motivations for Email and Facebook Marketing

If you want consumers to opt into your brand communications, give them a good reason to. A recent study by eMarketer uncovers people’s psychological motivations for engaging with brands online. The most common reason consumers subscribe to email and Facebook “like” a business is to receive offers and discounts. Loyalty is created between consumers and brands when the consumer feels the relationship has equal commitment from both sides. Offers and discounts are a clear way a business can show customers their ongoing commitment to a mutually beneficial relationship. Understanding your customer’s mind is the first step toward meeting their needs.

Optimizing Social Media Across the Customer Lifecycle
via ClickZ

This post by Lee Odden goes beyond the conventional outlook of monetizing social media. Odden states the key is not to rush to the revenue aspect of social marketing; rather look at how you can optimize experiences within your social channels with content. The value that comes from this ROI can pay dividends.

6 Posts That Build Engagement on Facebook
via Mashable

Post content on Facebook that attracts audience engagement in one of three ways: likes, shares and comments. Consider using an image as the core of any update, including questions, tips and quotes, because it will get attention in the News Feed. Fill in the blanks and photo caption requests are also engaging post types.

Facebook Marketing: How To Keep Your Brand Liked
via Information Week

Fatigue with marketing messages on Facebook has set in with some users. Brands today have a higher bar to reach in creating and promoting content that users are willing to engage with. A Facebook “Want” button is an idea that’s been tossed around by the marketing industry as a way to allow users to more actively opt-in to marketing communications.

5 Ways To Better Integrate Social Media & Enterprise SEO
via Searchengine Land

Social media initiatives and SEO goals should work together for the optimal benefit of both. Factoring SEO into the social promotion plan, implementing rel=”author” for Google+ profile SERP integration and including SEO and social media performance in company-wide reporting are a few ways to bring social and search marketing together in an enterprise setting.

Virginia Nussey is the director of content marketing at MobileMonkey. Prior to joining this startup in 2018, Virginia was the operations and content manager at Bruce Clay Inc., having joined the company in 2008 as a writer and blogger.

See Virginia's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (5)
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5 Replies to “New Study Suggests How to Leverage Consumer Motivations for Email and Facebook Marketing”

Promotions plus exclusive content once again proven incentive for fans.
What surprised me a bit is that I think there’s still a fair portion of users who want to follow their favorite brands for news, updates and to express association.

Regardless of countries, most people like Facebook page coz of discount and promotion. :)

Great takeaways Virginia!

The new and connected web customer is evolving and it becomes hard for the businesses to earn attention of fans, followers or subscribers.

Brands must be clear about what values they offer and integrates a community approach in their web marketing strategy.

I have a feeling that there are tendency to overestimate social media followers. For my deep conviction, based on my own and my friends’ experience a great part of these followers never bring company a penny.

Roxanna, the latest research supports your suspicion :) “Although the eVoc Insight statistic suggests more than half of consumers are agreeable toward purchasing from the brands on Facebook, consumer behavior suggests otherwise. According to a study from the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, an Australia-based marketing think tank, just 1% of fans of the biggest brands on Facebook engage with the brands on the site. “


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