Is Virtual SEO Learning the Future?

E-learning session being video recorded.

As I sit down to write this, all my engagements for the next two months have been canceled or “postponed.” India trip canceled. Industry conferences canceled. Our in-person SEO training course was canceled.

Those that host events are doing what it takes to not contribute to the spread of the novel coronavirus. And it’s impacting the businesses that depend on these gatherings.

But opportunities are emerging from this. And even though we may get to a place soon where we can convene again in person, we’re likely facing a new normal in educational SEO gatherings.

That’s because many are discovering the benefits of e-learning and virtual events instead.

A Growing Trend Just Got More Relevant

Virtual learning was already a growing industry, valued at $190 billion in 2018.

But the pandemic has thrown e-learning into the spotlight. The original forecast that valued it at $300 billion by 2025 is likely now underestimated.

China’s e-learning leaders have already added $32 billion as a result of the pandemic. Others have risen to the occasion to host a virtual event using VR technology.

Remote conferencing service Zoom has seen its stock spike during the pandemic. Its CEO predicted the pandemic will lead to a permanent shift in how people work and communicate. (I’ll touch more on this in an upcoming post on work-from-home SEO teams.)

Is now the time for businesses to explore virtual learning as part of their core offerings from here on out? Yes.

It’s unclear whether things will go back to the way they were. Those multi-day SEO events with their packed rooms, networking dinners, and after-hours events are a distant reality now.

As the CEO of a global events company told the “Washington Business Journal,” the pandemic could have lasting impacts:

“People will always need to commune, but it’s going to take a long while to get back to where we were,” Linder said. “What’s unclear is if there will be any lasting impacts on the way people congregate. On the positive side, the business is full of creative minds and we are quick to pivot to other lines of business, like content creation or virtual fundraisers. We’re all working on developing better models of those as we speak.”

Effect on Search Marketing Events

In our industry, smaller conferences may be facing a more uncertain future. Bigger conferences like SMX will likely go on in a similar way if the quarantine lifts soon.

In fact, at the time of writing, a few conferences are still slated to continue in the near future. They have adjusted things, though.

We see that Marketing Land has instituted “a strict no handshake policy” and a ban on attendees from certain countries at SMX Advanced in June. The SEJ Summit, on the other hand, is already planned to be a virtual, all-day event.

Here at Bruce Clay Inc., our in-person SEO training is on hold. We’ll continue to host our classroom SEO training when the time is right. But we’re exploring virtual alternatives in the meantime that will become a core part of our offerings later.

Question for readers: What do you think of adapting our full-day conference SEO workshop into an online format? Or what about putting our intensive 4.5-day SEO training class online? Please email me directly (bruce (at) or comment below.

We Must Adapt, Gather, Teach, Learn

Businesses can’t afford to put capability building on hold. Whether the effort is reskilling at the business-unit level or a company-wide aspirational transformation, companies can’t simply push the pause button on critical workplace learning, even as they move rapidly to put employee safety first.

McKinsey & Company, March 2020

Responding nimbly to a situation such as COVID-19 is just one reason to explore virtual learning. The other reason? Statistics have shown e-learning to be beneficial in many areas:

Benefits of Virtual Events

Some of the advantages of switching to an e-learning format include:

  • Less cost to both the event hosts and the attendees.
  • Sessions are available to more attendees and a broader range of presenters.
  • Content you can use in different ways within your marketing and organization.
  • New and different data to track the performance of the event.

Challenges of Virtual Events

All benefits aside, there will be challenges to adopting virtual events. Challenges can include:

  • Lack of in-person interaction and the connections that happen as a result.
  • A learning format that’s not for everyone (some people prefer in-person interaction).
  • A different way to capture and nurture leads versus the traditional event.

If you’re thinking about virtual SEO learning, here are some articles to consider:

A New Normal

Understand that there is more than one scenario that could play out following this pandemic, and it’s important to be prepared for each.

As McKinsey points out in its article on adapting workplace learning right now, we may be facing a new normal. But that’s not a bad thing:

As organizations increasingly promote their existing portfolios of digital-learning options, a handful indicate that they are also considering migrating some existing in-person training programs to an all-digital format. Such efforts go beyond merely applying existing technology solutions to offer virtual classrooms. Rather, they represent a more fundamental rethinking of the learning experience to enable collaborative, interactive social-learning experiences for groups of learners. Digital-learning providers recognize that COVID-19 is a catalyst for this transition and are looking to help their corporate customers accelerate their transformation. Some are even offering reduced or complimentary services to help encourage new customers to accelerate such a transition.

The SEO industry is nothing if not creative and adaptive. Those that adapt now will remain relevant and survive.

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FAQ: What challenges do businesses face in adapting to virtual learning trends?

As the digital age advances, businesses increasingly use virtual learning to train their workforce and enhance skills development. COVID-19 has significantly accelerated this shift towards virtual learning, forcing many organizations to reevaluate their training and development strategy. While transition may present its own set of unique challenges, virtual learning offers numerous benefits. Let’s look at some of the primary obstacles businesses face when adapting to virtual learning trends and provide valuable insights to overcome them.

  1. Technological Infrastructure:

One of the foremost challenges is establishing a robust technological infrastructure capable of supporting virtual learning platforms. This includes ensuring high-speed internet access, secure servers, and the availability of suitable devices for employees. Businesses should invest in technology upgrades and provide training to employees to ensure a seamless transition.

  1. Engagement and Participation:

Virtual learning often struggles with issues related to engagement and participation. Unlike traditional classroom settings, virtual environments can lead to distractions and reduced interaction. To overcome this, businesses should design interactive courses, encourage collaboration, and use gamification techniques to keep learners engaged.

  1. Technical Support and Troubleshooting:

Technical issues are bound to arise during virtual learning sessions. Businesses must provide adequate technical support to assist learners in case of problems. This includes having a helpdesk, troubleshooting guides, and a dedicated IT team ready to address issues promptly.

  1. Content Adaptation:

Converting traditional training materials into virtual formats can be challenging. Content must be adapted to suit the online environment. This involves condensing information, creating multimedia resources, and ensuring content is accessible to all learners, including those with disabilities.

  1. Data Security and Privacy:

With the transition to virtual learning, businesses must be vigilant about data security and privacy concerns. Implementing strict data protection measures and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations like GDPR and HIPAA is essential.

Businesses can adapt more easily by proactively addressing the challenges associated with virtual learning trends. Businesses can easily make this transition by investing in technology, encouraging engagement, providing technical support services, tailoring content to users’ needs, and prioritizing security measures for each instance of virtual learning courses offered.

Step-by-Step Procedure:

  1. Assess your current technological infrastructure and identify areas that need improvement.
  2. Invest in high-speed internet access, secure servers, and suitable devices for virtual learning.
  3. Provide training to employees on using virtual learning platforms effectively.
  4. Design interactive courses that encourage engagement and participation.
  5. Implement gamification techniques to make virtual learning more engaging.
  6. Establish a helpdesk and provide troubleshooting guides for technical support.
  7. Have a dedicated IT team ready to address technical issues promptly.
  8. Adapt traditional training materials to suit the online environment.
  9. Condense information and create multimedia resources for virtual learning.
  10. Ensure content is accessible to all, including those with disabilities.
  11. Implement strict data protection measures to safeguard sensitive information.
  12. Familiarize yourself with relevant data protection regulations, such as GDPR and HIPAA.
  13. Train your staff on data security and privacy best practices.
  14. Regularly update and maintain your virtual learning platform to ensure security.
  15. Monitor learner engagement and participation and make adjustments as needed.
  16. Gather feedback from employees to improve the virtual learning experience continually.
  17. Stay updated on the latest trends and technologies in virtual learning.
  18. Consider partnerships with virtual learning experts to enhance your offerings.
  19. Measure the ROI of your virtual learning initiatives to ensure they align with your business goals.
  20. Continually adapt and refine your virtual learning strategies to meet evolving business needs and trends.

Bruce Clay is founder and president of Bruce Clay Inc., a global digital marketing firm providing search engine optimization, pay-per-click, social media marketing, SEO-friendly web architecture, and SEO tools and education. Connect with him on LinkedIn or through the website.

See Bruce's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (6)
Still on the hunt for actionable tips and insights? Each of these recent Digital Marketing Optimization posts is better than the last!

6 Replies to “Is Virtual SEO Learning the Future?”

The future of SEO is all in the use of AI. Google has been tinkering with their new RankBrain algorithm for a little over a year now. At first glance, AI might seem like the end of the SEO industry. Search engine optimization professionals think that none of the “tricks” they used to get rankings will work.

You have thoughtfully explained the advantages of online learning. I think there are already some top class training and courses for SEO out there. People could also refer to authoritative SEO blogs and learn on their own for free of cost.

For learning SEO all point is really amazing and informative of your article. Thanks for shearing this valuable idea.

Interesting article, thanks!
An inevitable adaptation and evolution that every business has to deal with immediately.
We all need to try to maintain the greatest possible level of normality in the face of this serious emergency.
On the other hand, I am sorry to say that I will miss the human iterations that no digital instrument will surrogate.
Every things gonna be alright!


You’re spot on. This event is a brute-force acceleration of a trend that has been slowly making its way through corporate America for more than a decade. Same for working remotely. I used to run an Engineering Training group for Juniper Networks. We produced a lot of e-learning, but the inertia on the part of managers to get staff to take the courses was high. I considered it part of the same problem as with WFH initiatives. I once thought that managers worried that their people would slack off if they WFH or cheat if they used e-learning. Of course, there are some obvious flaws in logic, if that was the case. This current situation has showed me that managers more likely are worried that without bodies in place, they, the managers, will have less control and frankly, may be viewed as expendable.

Managers need to upgrade their self-images and skill sets to do more forecasting, project management, and load balancing. Also, the more people engage in e-learning, the better e-learning will get, because the learners themselves will demand better content and functionality in the e-learning tools.

“A Growing Trend Just Got More Relevant”

I like it!

My wife & I were already thinking of home-schooling due to the violence…


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