Bruce Clay, Inc.’s SEO Training Travels to Europe

Bruce Clay Italy

Internet marketing optimization agency offers SEO training in Italy, open to all internationally.

SIMI VALLEY, CA, February 4, 2011 – Internet marketing optimization consultancy, Bruce Clay, Inc., partners with its offices in Europe, Bruce Clay Italia, to offer SEO training at a leading college: Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione (IULM) in Milan on March 1. The course is open to professionals and students internationally for 780 €, or 650 € if registered prior to February 14. The course is taught in English; for details on how to sign up, go to the end of this news release.

“Globally, SEO is becoming a key element of any successful marketing plan,” says Ale Agostini, managing director of Bruce Clay Italia. “The challenge is that SEO is often complex and technical, and few instructors can really teach it. Bruce Clay is one the few SEO experts that is able to fully transfer knowledge to a broad International audience.”

The international SEO training in Italy will be headed by Clay and Agostini to give an in-depth overview of key search marketing concepts tailored to an international audience. Participants will gain experience in SEO with a course that teaches proven methodologies for online business success.

Just some of the topics discussed will be:

  • How to grow business through Internet marketing.
  • How to bring qualified traffic to a website the organic way, without spending significant amounts on sponsored links or paid advertising.
  • How to increase visibility in the organic results of a search engine results page in Google, Yahoo! and Bing.
  • How to take advantage of online press releases, videos and social media to increase visibility on the Web.

The course is designed for an International audience, including:

  • In-house marketing professionals with all levels of Internet marketing knowledge, whether or not their companies already invest in Web marketing.
  • Executive-level pros in Web marketing, communications, external relations, public relations and more.
  • Owners of small, midsize or large businesses who want to grow business and reduce the cost of traditional advertising.
  • Web masters, Web designers, bloggers, Web agency pros and others in the Internet marketing field who want to refine their skill sets in search engine marketing (SEM).
  • Independent marketing consultants who want to add more value to their clients’ businesses by learning techniques that harness the power of online marketing.

Spaces are limited for this class in order to allow for more personalized interaction with the teachers and other students.

To sign up or for more information in English, French, Italian, Russian or Spanish, call Bruce Clay Italia at +39 02 3809 3525 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. GMT +1 Berlin time, or visit the company’s corso SEO page.

You can also view or fill out the European SEOToolSet™ registration form (PDF).

About Bruce Clay, Inc.
Bruce Clay, Inc. is an Internet marketing optimization company providing search engine optimization (SEO) services, PPC advertising management, SEO optimization training and is creator of the award-winning SEOToolSet®. Bruce Clay has led the search marketing industry through contributions such as the SEO Code of Ethics, Search Engine Relationship Chart®, and SEO training and certification programs that promote ethical search engine optimization practices. U.S. offices are located in California and New York, and internationally in Australia, Italy, India and Japan. For more information, visit

About the University of Languages and Communication (IULM) in Milan
Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione (IULM) operates with a mission to create experts in language and communication. The IULM offers a variety of undergraduate and post-graduate degrees in concentrations such as public relations and business communication; communication, media and advertising; and more. Teaching staff consists of professionals from their fields, and education is facilitated through classroom lectures and activities, and internships in Italy and abroad. For more information, please visit

EU Team

Bruce Clay Europe Srl
Via Caccialepori 18/A
20148 Milano
+39 388 870 6471