Busy week news week (for August)

After the slowdown last week during SES, this week has already brought us a great deal of exciting news stories. I’ll try to catch some of them up for you right now.


  • Lost their suit with Geico. The judge ruled that while using a trademarked name as the trigger for an ad wasn’t illegal and using a trademarked name in an ad text wasn’t illegal, it was illegal to use the trademark as both the trigger and in the ad text. Google claims to be pleased with the outcome.
  • Purchased Android. World gets ready to welcome their new robotic overlords. Okay, so really Android makes wireless software but wouldn’t sentient robots have been more fun?


Ask Jeeves:

Susan Esparza is former managing editor at Bruce Clay Inc., and has written extensively for clients and internal publications. Along with Bruce Clay, she is co-author of the first edition of Search Engine Optimization All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies.

See Susan's author page for links to connect on social media.

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