Free SEO Tool Alert! On-Page Content Analyzer

Do you know about the free tools we offer to help you analyze your website and optimize it for search? These are free versions of our SEOToolSet® software tools, including:

  • Keyword Suggestion tool
  • Search Engine Optimization/KSP tool
  • Single Page Analyzer
  • SEO Multi-Page Information tool
  • Check Server Page tool
  • And an SEO Cloaking Checker

These free tools don’t require a login, credit card info, or software download. Use them as much as you like from the Free SEO Tools page on

To give you a chance to see in action how the data you get enhances your organic SEO efforts, this miniseries covers each of the free SEO tools. (See the whole miniseries here!) In this post, you meet a lightweight version of our most frequently used SEO tool, the Single Page Analyzer.

Today’s Free SEO Tool: Single Page Analyzer

Tool type: On-page content analysis, on-page optimization

What you’ll learn: When you submit a URL, the tool:

  • Grades the optimization of page components (meta data, other tags and body content)
  • Flags any SEO errors, and
  • Provides suggestions on how to improve your web page optimization.

Why this matters: Proper page analysis is key to improving your web page optimization. Review this data for your own pages and for top-ranking competitors to discover what makes a web page rank high in the search engines for your industry and keywords.

Run the Single Page Analyzer:    


How to Use It

  1. Enter a single URL and click Run Page Analyzer. You can enter your own web page or a competitor’s URL. The tool can analyze only one page at a time.
  2. The Single Page Analyzer (SPA) produces data about various elements of a web page. This free version returns a report that’s separated into three sections:
    • The first category, Tag Information, examines the tags for a page.
    • The second category, Text Metrics and Readability, analyzes the content and scores the reading level of the text.
    • The final category, Word Phrase Usage, breaks down the most commonly used words and phrases used in various elements on the page.

How to get more from the SPA: The SPA tool featured here is a lightweight version of the tool, which means it’s not the full version. However, you can now access the complete version of this robust tool by signing up for the SEOToolSet. The full version of the Single Page Analyzer tool is available with a low-cost SEOToolSet subscription.

5 Ways to Use This Data

The point of running the SPA is to spot any SEO-related issues with the content on a web page. This tool in particular will show you any major errors, weak areas, as well as any elements that are missing from the page. You can use this information to fix those errors, strengthen weaknesses, and add the missing elements that are vital to the optimization of that page.

Our SEO analysts usually run this tool over and over again to see how the changes they’ve made meet SEO best practices and to learn from their competitors. Before we get into the specifics of how to use the tool and decode the reports, this is what you get from the Single Page Analyzer’s data analysis.

Here are five valuable ways you can use this data to enhance your search engine optimization strategy for a web page:

1. Improve the optimization of your meta tags. Is your meta description too long or too short? Because it matters. Are your tags in the right order? That matters, too. There are basic dos and don’ts to writing meta tags. Use the Tag Information report provided by the SPA to fix or strengthen your tags according to SEO best practices. If you find errors in red, fix them. If you discover that you’re missing any tags, add them. Once you’ve made the changes and have added the missing elements, you can then run the tool a second time to examine the recent changes.

2. Adjust the reading level of your text. High-quality web content has many characteristics, and an appropriate reading level is one of them. Content that is too simple or too complicated can lose the attention of your target audience and fail to bring conversions. So how do you know if your content is written in the appropriate reading level? The SPA will tell you.

Using the Text Metrics and Readability section of the report (outlined below), find out the reading level of your text. If it’s too high, consider adjusting it by reducing the number of three-syllable words and shortening your sentences.

While most web content should be simple to digest, certain industries or businesses require a higher reading level.

Tip: A good way to find out the appropriate reading level for your business or industry is to check out a competitor that is ranking high in the SERPs. Run the SPA on a competitor’s page and get a breakdown of their text. You can then emulate the same writing style and language accordingly.

3. Improve the keyword density on a page. As mentioned above, quality content has many features that set it apart from low-quality content. Does your text feature the keywords and phrases searchers use to find your products or services? Are these important words used in the right places and in the right frequency? The Single Page Analyzer can give you a great snapshot of the most commonly used words on the page and where they’re located. Find out whether you’re using the important words often enough and in the right locations and edit your content accordingly.

4. Locate opportunities. The reports provided by the SPA can help you spot opportunities you otherwise might not have noticed. The Tag Information section, for example, can help you pinpoint keywords that you’re not using in anchor text.

5. Research and learn from your competition. The Single Page Analyzer tool can be used to examine on-page elements of a competitor’s web page. You will want to choose a competitor who is ranking well in the search engines that is similar to your website (Wikipedia and Amazon are probably not the best competitors to examine). Submit a web page into the tool and get a report of everything they’re doing right or wrong. Both sets of information can help you improve your own SEO for a similar page. For example, if you notice that they don’t have any errors in the Tag Information tab, you can get an idea of properly crafted meta tags. On the other hand, if you spot any problems with the page, it could be a great opportunity to beat the competition by making sure your own web page is free of those errors.

How Not to Use this Data

Now that we’ve covered how to utilize the information in the Single Page Analyzer report to improve the optimization of a web page, here’s one way you shouldn’t use this data:

Without applying wisdom. Just because you see a red error message in the SPA report doesn’t mean you should fix it without thinking it through. For example, certain pages of come up with red error messages when run through the SPA. However, these same pages may rank high in the search engines, so it’s always important to consider the bigger picture before making any changes to important elements on a web page.

How to Decode the Single Page Analyzer Report

Here’s a closer look at the data produced by this free SEO tool and how to read it.

Tag Information

This section is where you’ll find a breakdown of your tags and whether you’re crafting them according to SEO best practices. The Tag Information section examines the title, meta description, and keywords tags. For each tag, the report tells you the total word count (Word Count), Stop Words, Used Words (the number of stop words minus the Word Count), and the character length of the tag.

The Tag Information section also tells you if there are any issues with those tags. You will see any issues listed in red in the last column of the report (the Tag Contents column). In that same column you will also find suggestions on how to solve those problems to improve the SEO of the page. For example, if the SPA discovers that your meta description is too long, you will see two notes in the Tag Contents column: the first note will inform you that the tag is longer than desired, and the second note will tell you the preferred average length of the meta description according to SEO best practices.

Text Metrics and Readability

In the second section of the SPA report, you will see text-specific metrics that help examine the reading level of your content. Here you’ll find everything from how many sentences you have on each page to the average number of syllables per word in the body of the page. The first column shows the metrics, the second features the value, and the third provides a description of the value so that you can better understand the numbers you’re looking at.

Along with text statistics, the SPA produces reading scores based on three different formulas or readability tests. Each test has its own scoring system, so make sure to read the information in the Description column to find out where your content stands according to each test. (The three readability tests are the Fog Reading level, Flesch Reading Ease level, and Flesch-Kincaid Grade level, if you’re wondering.)

SPA Text Metrics and Readability


Word Phrase Usage

The SPA can help you examine the most commonly used words and phrases on the page and let you know whether you’re using them appropriately, in the right places and according to a frequency that’s common and natural for your industry.

In the Word Phrase Usage category of the SPA report you will see a list of the most commonly used keywords and phrases on that page, listed in order with the longest phrases first. This list is not necessarily your chosen keywords, but the phrases that are the most prominent on the page.

Next to each keyword you will find the number of times the word or phrase is used in various elements on the page, such as in the title, meta description, keywords tag, in the headings, and alt tags. The report also shows you how many times the words are used in the first 200 words of the page, in the body, and in all of the on-page elements combined.

So how do you read the errors? Pay attention to colors. Numbers in red mean that the keyword or phrase is not used often enough, while numbers in blue mean you’ve used them too often.

Note: A red zero appears when you have no instances of a keyword in an element; however, the red color means that it’s a best practice to include it there.  A dash also means there’s no keyword in the element, but you don’t have to add it. This happens often with alt image tags.

SPA Word Phrase Usage

Discover More Free SEO Tools

Free and easy to use, the SPA is an advanced search engine optimization tool that provides a full page analysis of a webpage. You can use it to identify broken areas and key places on a page that need improvement. It’s a tool you can use to take small but effective steps to improve the optimization of each page. Finally, it’s a testing tool you can keep going back to reassess the enhancements and additions to the page.

Take the free, external SPA for a spin, but remember that this is just a taste of what the full SPA has to offer. Within the full SEOToolSet, you get a more robust SPA and many other tools that will help you better optimize your website for both search engines and human beings. It even includes our integrated Bruce Clay SEO plugin for WordPress!

For a more comprehensive look at the other free tools and techniques available to you, check out our SEO guide!

FAQ: What are the advantages of using SEO analysis tools in web optimization?

Web optimization is paramount for ensuring your online presence reaches its full potential. Integrating SEO analysis tools into your strategy will change the game, and as an expert in this field, I can vouch for their many advantages.

Website analytics provide invaluable insight into the performance of your website, providing invaluable data such as keyword rankings, organic traffic levels, and click-through rate analysis that enables you to make data-driven choices about website and content that will increase search engine ranking.

User experience is a cornerstone of successful web optimization, and SEO analysis tools play a pivotal role here. These tools help identify and rectify any issues that might deter visitors, such as slow loading times or broken links. Addressing these concerns promptly ensures a seamless and engaging user experience, a critical factor in retaining and converting visitors.

Moreover, SEO analysis tools empower you with competitive intelligence. They allow you to analyze your competitors’ strategies, unveiling their strong and weak points. With this knowledge, you can adapt and outmaneuver your rivals in the ever-competitive digital landscape.

Another often underestimated benefit is that SEO analysis tools keep you up to date with industry trends and algorithm changes. Search engines like Google frequently update their algorithms, and failing to adapt can lead to a drop in rankings. These tools send alerts, ensuring you’re always in the know and can promptly adjust your strategy.

Finally, time-saving is a significant advantage. SEO analysis tools automate many manual tasks, saving you precious hours and ensuring you can focus on the most critical aspects of your web optimization strategy.

The advantages of using SEO analysis tools in web optimization are clear and compelling. These tools offer valuable insights, enhance user experience, provide competitive intelligence, update you on industry trends, save time, and help keep pace with an ever-evolving digital landscape to maximize your online presence and stay at the top.

Step-by-Step Procedure: Leveraging SEO Analysis Tools for Web Optimization

  1. Understand Your Goals: Clearly define your web optimization objectives, whether it’s increasing organic traffic, improving user experience, or boosting conversions.
  2. Select the Right Tools: Research and choose the most appropriate SEO analysis tools based on your goals and budget.
  3. Keyword Research: Use the tools to identify relevant keywords for your niche and target audience.
  4. Website Audit: Conduct a comprehensive website audit to pinpoint areas for improvement.
  5. On-Page Optimization: Implement on-page SEO recommendations, including optimizing meta tags, improving content, and fixing technical issues.
  6. Competitive Analysis: Utilize the tools to analyze your competitors’ strategies and identify opportunities.
  7. Content Strategy: Develop a content strategy based on keyword research and user intent.
  8. User Experience Improvement: Address any issues revealed by the tools, such as slow loading times or broken links.
  9. Regular Monitoring: Monitor your website’s performance and make data-driven adjustments.
  10. Stay Informed: Subscribe to updates and alerts provided by the tools to stay informed about algorithm changes and industry trends.
  11. Adapt and Evolve: Adjust your strategy to maintain and improve your website’s optimization.
  12. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Use the insights from the tools to make informed decisions about your web optimization strategy.
  13. Time Management: Benefit from the time-saving features of the tools to focus on high-impact tasks.
  14. A/B Testing: Experiment with different strategies and analyze results with the tools.
  15. Regular Reporting: Generate regular reports to track your progress and identify areas for further improvement.
  16. Collaboration: Involve your team or stakeholders in the optimization process using collaborative features provided by the tools.
  17. Training: Ensure your team is well-trained in using the tools effectively.
  18. Continuous Improvement: Embrace a culture of continuous improvement and adaptation.
  19. Benchmarking: Use the tools to set benchmarks and measure your progress against them.
  20. Celebrate Success: Acknowledge and celebrate milestones and achievements in your web optimization journey.

Melanie Saxe was a senior content writer for Bruce Clay Inc. She holds a B.A. degree in journalism and has many years of experience crafting content for the web. When she's not writing at work, she’s usually playing Legos with her son, tinkering with her poems, or singing jazzy songs.

See Melanie's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (30)
Filed under: SEO Content — Tags: ,
Still on the hunt for actionable tips and insights? Each of these recent SEO Content posts is better than the last!

30 Replies to “Free SEO Tool Alert! On-Page Content Analyzer”

Congratulations on the publication, it is very useful for our digital marketing projects.

I like this free analyzer. Especially cloud of words is the best feature.

Thanks so much for giving information about this single page analyzer tool. It was extremely useful. I’m glad to know that this tool actually helps in meta tag optimization. I’m eager to try this tool once.

thank you for the above, it is quite helpful. however, i would like to get some more insight on the readability matrix in the report, a score of 26, for me it looks very poor. wanted to know if the score is based on the vocabulary used or is it based on the font and text sizing?

it will be helpful if you can provide some more details on this

Paula Allen

Saji: The tool gives three different readability measurements, Fog, Flesch, and Flesch-Kincaid. While slightly different in their methods, the scoring is generally based on word, sentence and paragraph length and complexity. Using shorter words and breaking up complex sentences generally improves readability.

The information provided is quite useful. SEO is a vital aspect in the web world and the information provided about the free SEO tools can be actually helpful for many.

Thanks a lot for this Melanie!
I’ll definitely use this tool in the future. Thanks for taking the time to write this up :)

Amazing stuff. A lot of thanks

Thanks for the awesome tool, i will try this on my site.

Hello Melanie,

It’s great news for us. Hope this tool will improve our SEO techniques and we will get a positive result from the use of this tool.


Hi Melanie,

It is necessary for any website. Content is the key to any website and hope this tool will give us a better idea about the content.


Thanks for the awesome tool, if you’ve any more of them, then please do share :)
Bookmarked your blog.
Is there any newsletter option available? Cannot find on blog though :(

Melanie Saxe

Hi Jenesa,

Thank you. Yes, you can find our 10 free SEO Tools here:, and you can sign up for our SEO Newsletter here:


I would like to leave my feedback on this tool to others: I have used this tool and recommended to all my SEO friends. I never received any single negative feedback about this tool.

Because of this tool, we went on right path. Particularly the “Tag Analyser” “Word Phrase Usage” metrics helping a lot.

Its really hard to get these kind of metrics and suggestions from any other tool(As far I check all other tools). Getting green color in wordphrase is a tough task for us, but if we do it, no one can beat your keyword rankings. If you need to get green color on this phrase metrics, you need to get your content designed for your end user by fixing “leinier keyword distribution”

We have optimized a for single keyword “floor tiles” using this tool and we have seen massive results that our client’s site came one top within few days on top.

@BruceClayINC Thanks for such tool.

Melanie Saxe

That’s great news, Vengat! We’re so thrilled that our tools are simplifying and improving your SEO campaigns. You’re very welcome.

Hi Melanie,

It is a basic requirement of any website. Because nowadays of google demand unique content if you want top ranking. Thanks for sharing valuable stuff.

Damien McConnell

Hello Melanie,

It sounds pretty much. Now a day of Page Content really useful thing for any site, so thanks for sharing your useful stuff with us.

Bill PerouKaneas


Question for the BC Team:

Wondering why my navigation links are being read as body content according to your “first 200 words” category. These aren’t appearing in the google cache text only version of the page.

Melanie Saxe

David: It’s difficult to give an accurate answer since we don’t know the URL, but the first 200 words category finds the first 200 words of text on the page. This doesn’t include stop words or links. So even though the links might be displayed, it may not be counting the text for those links in the first 200 words count.

Hello Melanie,

I like your posts very much. I think now a days of Page Content really matter for any website so thanks for sharing your valuable article with us. I will try this tool for my website and share my experience with you in future.

Daniel Breese

Good work!
Will have to test this on our site as we use ACF heavily.

Sounds great Melanie! But does this tool identifies the best keywords for the page and whether the page is optimized for these keywords?

Melanie Saxe

Thanks Cathy. This tool shows a limited number of keywords for a page (about 30), but you can get a complete keyword list by using the SEOToolSet Lite version of the SPA tool by signing up here: It’s also free, but provides a complete list.

To give you a chance to see in action how the data you get enhances your organic SEO efforts, this miniseries covers each of the 10 free SEO tools.

Hi Melanie,

Found its features excellent for analysis and auditing. The new on-page content analyzer tool is going to be very helpful for the SEO guys. I will definitely going to have it for my site. Thanks for sharing this information.

Melanie Saxe

You’re welcome Jigar!

Thanks for sharing.i am trying to many tools for on-page Content, but still we are not improve DA.

Information about tool and its outputs seem to be good but can be trusted after using it. Thanks for the article!

Pagerank (PR) is an exponential scale.

Some sites (homepages) will never get to the next level just because it would take incredible amounts of highly valued links to move the needle. (Say from a PR 5 to 6)

Most people do not really focus on PR anymore, its more about creating the right content to engage your audience, and utilize any 1st party data you might have to tell a unique story, that other people can not tell.

These toosl for technical SEO are certainly good, but its just a starting point. you can certainly make technically perfect content, but if it is not garnering traffic, engagement and social sharing, its an uphill battle.

I strongly recommend searching for one of Rand Fishkins whiteboard fridays, entitled “does-seo-boil-down-to-site-crawlability-and-content-quality” and watching it, because SEO is a different battlefield than it was just a few years ago.


Thanks for the info, we are trying many things and would like to implement few of your suggestion too.
My question to you is – we have tried many ways to improve our PR but none is yielding the expected results?

Any help appreciated!!


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