Getting Back in the Loop

After being out all last week, I’m still catching up on my feeds. Here are some stories that caught my eye.

From Bad to Can-it-Get-Any-Worse

Last Monday, Susan told you about AOL’s unseemly privacy blunder, and in the past week things have gotten progressively worse. So far, searcher #4417749 has been identified as 62-year-old Thelma Arnold (Everyone, wave to Thelma. *waves*), Niniane Wang outed one man’s embarrassing problem, several SEM tools have been created using the data, old bills have been given new life and Slate used the info to profile the seven ways people search the Web. (The Pornhound, The Manhunter, The Shopper, The Obsessive, The Omnivore, The Newbie and The Basket Case, in case you were wondering).

You feel pretty smart for never having used AOL, don’t you?

Make way for Google Porn!

There’s been multiple reports recently has Google has lax’d their uploading restrictions on Google Video. TechCrunch’s Michael Arrington noted that Google removed the term “pornography” from the restrictions on uploading videos and has added a “Mature & Adult” content section.

Well, okay then. Maybe Google spent some time going through the released AOL data…

Web Analytics is Important

DMNews released a special report on Web Analytics this morning. The report includes articles written by experts from ClickTracks Analytics, WebTrends, Omniture and more, and focuses on topics such as best practices, why web analytics is important and details the four best tools to track and repair usability problems.

I haven’t had a chance to read the full report yet, but I’ll try and delver deeper in this one for you guys a little later.

How to Land the Nerd Job of Your Dreams

Loren Baker points to Guy Kawasaki’s post on nailing that Valley job interview. Guy gives potential-interviewees some great hints on making a good first impression, including bringing a solid pitch with you, adapting the mantra of “plug and play”, taking notes and answering the “how are you question” with a “great response.”

That last one gets me, probably because Guy recommends answering with:

"I feel great. I’m really eager to learn more about this job and tell you about myself, so that we can determine if we’re a good match."

For real? That’s how you want to answer that question? I’m sorry, but if I innocently asked someone how they were and they got all big-eyed and told me FANTASTIC, I’d either laugh or run in the other direction (depending on if they had that crazed looked in their eye or not, of course). Sometimes a simple question merits a simple answer.

Matt is No Fool

Matt reminds readers not to take a picture as a sign of friendship. He’s such a rock star.

And props to the girl wearing this Matt Cutts Makes Me Google shirt. It’s awesome. As is the guy in the background who wants so much to be like Matt that he copied his facial hair (and shirt?). Can you blame him?

Bonus Goodie

SEO Hottie of the Month Rand Fishkin recounts why sumo wrestling on a full stomach is never a good idea. Aww, poor Rand — so cute, but such a sensitive stomach.

Lisa Barone is a writer, content marketer & VP of strategy at Overit Media. She's also a very active Twitterer, much to the dismay of the rest of the world.

See Lisa's author page for links to connect on social media.

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