Ian Turner Missing
From Threadwatch:
Ian has been missing since Sunday. He was due to fly back from New Orleans (wmw show) and has not been seen since. His wife and family are all very worried about him, and so are we.
If you’ve seen Ian, or have any information about him that might be useful (anything at all, at this stage) please
contact the New Orleans or Atlanta police department.New Orleans P.D. – (504) 821-2222
Atlanta P.D. – (404) 730-5700 (Fulton County)
Atlanta Missing Persons – 404-853-4235
EDIT: SEW says all the information is being routed through the UK and not to contact US police.
If you’ve seen him or have information about his whereabouts, please contact Detective Constable Cole of the Woking Missing Persons unit in England.
He can be reached dialing 011-44-1483-655-081 from the US, (01483) 655-081 from the UK or +44 (0)1483 655-081 from other countries.
You can also email cole10437 @ surrey.pnn.police.uk. Please don’t contact the US police — all information is being centralized through the UK, at this time.
UPDATE: Ian Turner was found on Friday. He was in Atlanta, having lost his passport. More information can be found at Threadwatch. We’re all glad that Ian is home safely.