Small Business SEO — SEM Synergy Extras

On today’s SEM Synergy, our weekly show on, we look at unique challenges and opportunities of SEO for small business. Small businesses are often more nimble than large organizations, and are able to institute SEO initiatives without worrying about red tape. And small businesses often have unique linking opportunities available to them, such as their local Chamber of Commerce site or through partnerships developed with other area businesses.

While small businesses are sometimes poised to move up search rankings thanks to dexterity and cultivated relationships, they may also be faced with challenges such as a smaller budget to devote to marketing costs and a lack of man-hours to gain necessary education or manage SEO initiatives.

many keys
A turnkey SEO offering that fits your business CC BY 2.0

At Bruce Clay, Inc., we’ve long expressed the opinion that knowledge transfer can help an SEO project run smoothly because it keeps everyone on the same page. However, we’ve recognized that this mantra isn’t always possible to execute in reality.

There’s a growing segment of businesses for which SEO training is not practical or even wanted. A client that is looking for SEO help but doesn’t have an in-house staff or a budget for consulting. A client that understands the value of search engine optimization but is happy to leave that job to the experts.

Many small businesses are already devoting all available time and resources to running the company and can’t spare time for knowledge transfer. As far as these entrepreneurs are concerned, their job is to run their business and they’re hiring an SEO so they don’t have to learn it themselves. It’s for these clients that we’ve launched a Small Business SEO Package.

It’s based on the same optimization methodology and SEO practices that we offer to all our clients, though without the knowledge transfer aspect. If a small business owner doesn’t intend to implement SEO initiatives on their own site, doesn’t require the education, and has decided to trust a professional to do the job, we believe that the cost of the SEO project should reflect that.

That’s why we now offer an affordable, turnkey SEO solution designed for small businesses. I like to think of it as less stress with the same success. If any of the above client descriptions sounds like you, our small business SEO package may be just the thing you were looking for.

Virginia Nussey is the director of content marketing at MobileMonkey. Prior to joining this startup in 2018, Virginia was the operations and content manager at Bruce Clay Inc., having joined the company in 2008 as a writer and blogger.

See Virginia's author page for links to connect on social media.

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Still on the hunt for actionable tips and insights? Each of these recent SEO posts is better than the last!

2 Replies to “Small Business SEO — SEM Synergy Extras”

No matter how small organization you are running, There is always chance to get lot of business with SEO of your site. You can reach up to your target audience with good and quality SEO/ SEM.

Sounds like you’ll be helping lots of people out. Good luck!


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