WebmasterWorld PubCon 2006
This just in: the great city of Boston is currently being invaded by the likes of search engine optimization know-it-alls, including our own Bruce Clay! Watch out! The annual WebmasterWorld PubCon kicked off in Boston today and will go through the 20th.
What I wouldn’t give to be able to sit in on tomorrow’s 9 a.m. ‘Morning Coffee Session with The Super Bloggers of Search’, featuring Scoble, Cutts and Zawodny. I know, I’m a nerd, but it’s certainly worth the early morning wake-up call. And what a perfect opportunity to wear your ‘I’m Not Matt Cutts’ T-shirt or give Scoble a hug while he’s on vacation. With the digs Chris Coulter is getting in while he’s away, he just may need it.
Bruce is speaking today and tomorrow at sessions on Organic Search Forums and Organic Site Reviews, respectively. Hopefully, Bruce’s panel mate Mike Grehan didn’t take offense to yesterday’s blog. And if he did, don’t look at me — that was Susan!
If you’re in Boston, definitely try and make your way over to the Hynes Convention Center and check it out. If you’re looking for a schedule, WebmasterWorld has an itinerary on their site. And of course, conversation is already flowing in the forums.
And while you’re in Beantown, be sure to have a lobster roll for me. You just can’t find those on the West Coast. Go Red Sox!