All-Access Glimpse into the New SEO for Dummies Book

A lot has changed since “Search Engine Optimization All-in-One for Dummies” first hit the scene in 2009 … but then, Web marketing is a fast-moving industry. What hasn’t changed, though, are the fundamentals of solid SEO practices. Along with a refresh of the entire book to ensure it’s current to address trends and technology in Web marketing, the second edition of “Search Engine Optimization All-in-One for Dummies” is more than 700 pages of tried-and-true methodologies in SEO. Launched in January, the newest edition is hot off the presses and available for purchase now on Amazon.

We thought we’d give you an all-access glimpse into what the book has been up to since it launched into the search industry a few years back. Now in 2012, the book’s contributions have made a name for itself, and backed by a high-powered brand, the book keeps everyone pretty busy. Let’s take a glimpse into the new life of the “Search Engine Optimization All-in-One for Dummies” book.

You may remember back in 2009 when the book would start out its day making coffee for the office. Welp, not anymore. Mr. SEO All-in-One for Dummies has way too many important things going on for that. Now, the coffee is served to it — at just the right temperature (the book gets a bit cranky if the coffee is too hot).

Being Served Coffee

As an expert in all-things SEO, the book often takes a moment to keep its team on track. Here, we see the book digging into a site’s Google Analytics, explaining the key performance indicators its team should be tracking to reach goals.

Analytics Help

As a top contributor in the workplace, the book often presents research it finds throughout the workweek. Here, we see the book explaining in detail the findings of a new study where time spent reading the information the book provides directly correlates to business revenue.

Presenting ROI Stats

Not everyone on staff can understand the profound and complicated data that’s being presented, so the book tries to “dumb-down” the language.

Presenting ROI Stats to a Group

Mr. SEO All-in-One for Dummies always takes time throughout the day for learning and reflection. Here, we see the book analyzing its former self from 2009, and pondering all the ways it’s grown and changed since it first joined the industry. My, how it’s progressed …

Analyzing Former Self

Lunches aren’t just for eating anymore. No, no. The book takes this important time of day for power lunching and even the occasional date (when it can get away).

Power Lunch

As a leader in its field, the book is often out teaching its wisdom to groups of professionals at conferences and at Bruce Clay, Inc.’s SEOToolSet® Training. (An insider secret: The book’s favorite part of the SEO training course is the lab.)

Presenting on SEO

The book’s popularity also often puts it in the media spotlight. It’s not uncommon for it to be the subject of interviews and news stories due to its expertise in SEO.

Press Room

But all work and no play makes for a dull book. That’s why it fills its time with favorite leisure activities at the end of a long week. Always keeping up appearances, the book is sure to never miss its weekly manicure at the local spa. (Trashy magazines help the book relax – constantly teaching is hard work!)

Relaxation Time

And of course, taking in culture is a must for the book to stay well-rounded.

Taking in Some Culture

But, at the end of the day, Mr. SEO All-in-One for Dummies really just loves to curl up next to the fire with itself and a fine glass of brandy. Ahhh, the good life.

Winding Down

Like what you see? Want to spend some time with the book? Pick up your copy today! And if you’re headed to SMX West at the end of February, stop by our booth No. 401 to enter a drawing to win your very own “Search Engine Optimization All-in-One for Dummies” book signed by author Bruce Clay.

Jessica Lee is the founder and chief creative for bizbuzzcontent Inc., a marketing boutique that focuses on digital content strategy and professional writing services for businesses.

See Jessica's author page for links to connect on social media.

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