Are You Just Not That Into Liveblogging?

We’re about to unleash a liveblogging tsunami as we send Susan up to Ad:Tech San Francisco and attempt to kill her by making her liveblog 19 sessions in just three days. That means the blog will be buzzing with more Internet marketing and search engine optimization tidbits then you can probably handle in a span of 72 hours. But you’ll only see if it you want it.

We understand that not everyone is in love with the text-heavy liveblogging format and we want to be sensitive to your needs. Mostly because we like you. (Well, most of you.) As such, we’ve created a liveblogging-free RSS feed for those only interested in our regular, non-conference blog posts.

If you just want the daily SEO news, the Friday Recaps and the witty banter, you can subscribe to the News Only (aka No Liveblogging) feed here:

If you want all of the news, banter and access to our exclusive conference
liveblogging coverage, you can opt into one of the two feeds below: (full) (partial)

Hopefully, that will ensure that everyone is getting only the stuff they want.

If you don’t want to hear about the sessions going on at Ad:Tech San Francisco, make sure you switch over to the News Only feed before tomorrow morning. Otherwise, get ready to hear about all the fun, debauchery, and conference sessions happening up in San Francisco.

And of course, if you’re lucky enough to actually be attending Ad:Tech, we encourage you to swing by the booth and say hello to Bruce and some of our stellar analysts. You can also catch Bruce speaking during the Tactical SEO Workshop on Thursday. It’s sure to be a great show!

Lisa Barone is a writer, content marketer & VP of strategy at Overit Media. She's also a very active Twitterer, much to the dismay of the rest of the world.

See Lisa's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (1)
Still on the hunt for actionable tips and insights? Each of these recent Digital Marketing Optimization posts is better than the last!

One Reply to “Are You Just Not That Into Liveblogging?”

Roll on with the live blogging guys

Your conference live blogs were what inspired me to signup for SMX Sydney and blog the sessions I went to there

The resulting posts have been very popular with links from Dannys and as well as several small SEO sites

PS when I pressed preview your site showed an error: “Publish error in template ‘Comment Preview Template’: Error in tag: Error in tag: The MTCommentFields tag is no longer available; please include the Comment Form template module instead.”


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