Bruce Clay East SEOToolSet Training – Register Now!

May 1st, 2008 was my first day working at Bruce Clay, Inc. That means it’s been one year since I joined the BCI team and became part of its mission to educate businesses and help them find success online. When we first opened the East Coast office we had several goals. Most importantly, we wanted to offer SEOToolSet Training, which is well established in California, on both coasts. I am proud to say that last week we completed the presentation of our SEO training course to a class of 18 students on the East Coast. We have two more classes scheduled in New York and they are open for registration: June 9-11 and October 20-22.

SEOToolSet East Coast training class
East Coast SEOToolSet Training – Class of April 2009

Last week’s class, like many others, was filled with students who looked at search engine optimization from different points of view. Some were business owners, some were involved in marketing and branding, and others were part of IT and development. They all had different perspectives and various levels of experience. It can be hard to teach such a diverse group, but the SEOToolSet Training course is able to reach each view point and expertise level through a system that builds knowledge from the ground up.

In our three-day course we start by developing a level playing field and get everyone to a common base level of knowledge. Then we begin to overlay theory and principle. We add to that our SEO methodology and polish it off with business application. What results is a room full of search marketers ready to apply what they learned and to begin seeing results in their own business.

Slowly but surely during the course, each student opens up and asks questions that shape the class so it’s most relevant to the world of SEO today. Then students begin to realize that others in the class are dealing with many of the same issues. People learn from each other and watch theory turn into practice. By the end of the course we have covered more than 340 pages of slides and reading materials, the topics have been approached from multiple angles, and each student leaves with his or her own set of action items. Most importantly, they’ve gained a better understanding of the demanding process of SEO on a day-to-day basis.

SEO All-In-One For Dummies book

This class, like others we have taught, ended with many smiles. And no one left empty handed. Students took home their ah-ha moments and some even had Bruce and I sign their personal copies of our new Search Engine Optimization All-In-One For Dummies — a 746-page reference guide on SEO. The book is just released and is expected to make a substantial contribution to information and knowledge transfer, which is extremely helpful for our students as well as our work with clients.

We believe the old adage that teaching a man to fish is more valuable than just giving him a fish. Taking the time to learn SEO methodologies that work will enable you to act for yourself as the driving force of your own projects.

See Chris's author page for links to connect on social media.

Comments (3)
Still on the hunt for actionable tips and insights? Each of these recent Digital Marketing Optimization posts is better than the last!

3 Replies to “Bruce Clay East SEOToolSet Training – Register Now!”


Thanks Chris! This was a great class and am looking forward to the advanced one as well.

Hay Chris, Nice to see you are already up for the next class, and what is up with that class picture i was thinking about hanging it on my office wall, but this one looks painful… anyway as you said it was a great fun and learning experience, for now, I cant wait for the results to kick in and then see you again in class next year!! Joel

Kevin Stein

Thanks Chris, it was an honor to be included in the first East Coast Class of 2009. Looking forward to our 10th reunion..


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