Google News, Why I Blog and See Ya In NY!

Google Settles AFP Case

Before there was Belgium, there was Agence France-Presse.

Google’s two year copyright battle with AFP finally came to a close today with Google signing a licensing agreement that will allow them to post AFP news and photos on Google News.
A nicely spun statement was released about how the deal will allow Google to use AFP’s content "in innovative, new ways", but what I want to know is how much Google shelled out to AFP to make this deal happen and the lawsuit go away. I imagine there’s some kind of revenue sharing or usage fee, but naturally the statement completely ignores that.
Does it matter how much Google had to pay? It absolutely matters.
Google has been vocal about its opt-out approach to dealing with content producers and this deal with the AFP may be a sign that if you sue and cause a big enough tantrum, you’ll get your very own "licensing agreement". Belgian eyes are watching.

Google Launches Voice Local Search

Google didn’t waste any time reacting to Microsoft’s recent TellMe acquisition. The Google Labs page was updated today to include something called Google Voice Local Search, which is basically a free Google-version of your traditional 411. It looks pretty sweet.

Users can call 1-800-GOOG-411 to access Google’s automated service and search for local businesses by name or category, be connected to the business at no cost and have the details sent to you via text message.

As is the case with most betas, the system is currently only available in English for English businesses. Google says there are still some kinks to work out but encourages users to give it a shot and tell them what they think. I’ll have to give it a shot in New York when I’m stranded and looking for food at 3am.

Five Reasons I Blog

BFF Tamar Weinberg tagged me to deliver the five reasons I blog. Susan yells at me when I participate in memes (or breathe too loud) and I don’t think anyone other than Tamar is actually interested in why I blog, so here’s a short list without too much explanation. If you want to know more, track me down in New York and ask.

  1. It’s a daily reminder to Susan that I exist.
  2. Bruce would get mad if I showed up and refused to work.
  3. I’m not good at math or science. Nor am I pretty or dumb enough to move to LA and become an actress.
  4. People who can, optimize; people who can’t, blog about optimization.
  5. I find myself hilarious and often break into giggles over my own creations, especially when I write mean things about Susan. [True. –Susan] – So true, in fact, that Susan has learned to fear my giggles.

Fun Finds

Steve Rubel offers up Three Reasons Why Twitter Will Be Sold Soon. I’m kind of proud of myself; I haven’t jumped on the Twitter bandwagon…yet. Do you really care what I’m doing every second of every day? I don’t think so.

George W. Bush was once again outed as a failure. Moving on.

See You In New York

Okay, kids. Unless something crazy happens on Monday or the plane goes down in a fiery crash, the next time you hear from me, I’ll be seated in Tuesday’s Ads Beyond Search session (mmm, PPC) as part of Search Engine Strategies New York. If you’re not attending SES NY (we’ll miss you!), keep your eyes glued to the blog for all our conference updates and silliness. You’re guaranteed a few good chuckles each day.

If you’re making the journey to New York, use my conference schedule to come and find me or keep an eye out after hours. I met lots of great people in Chicago and I’d love to add to my list of friendly faces. And don’t worry, I only bite Susan, and only when she deserves it. [False! But she has had her shots.–Susan]

Look out, New York. Lisa’s coming home. Huzzah!

Lisa Barone is a writer, content marketer & VP of strategy at Overit Media. She's also a very active Twitterer, much to the dismay of the rest of the world.

See Lisa's author page for links to connect on social media.

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One Reply to “Google News, Why I Blog and See Ya In NY!”

I like that– a reminder that you exist :)


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