Google’s G1: Something Else To Get Unjustifiably Excited Over

So I’m curious, are you excited about the Google Phone announcement? Do you even care?

Personally, I don’t. I just bought my first BlackBerry Curve (in pink!) a few weeks ago so I’m contently sitting in my corner ignoring all of you. However, I know Susan is pretty amped on it. The idea of an all-Google phone just isn’t that appealing to me. The third-party apps may be cool, but until I see something worth switching to T-Mobile for (like an app that finds me free cupcakes), I’m not paying attention.

But plenty of people are, and for them, today was a big day. It was the glorious day that Google announced (for reals) the lovely creation called the Google Phone. Obviously all the essentials are present and accounted for. It has a three inch touch screen, a full QWERTY keyboard, browser buttons, trackball, copy and paste technology, and even the neat ability to transfer photos without the use of cumbersome email.

It’s cool. But it’s not that cool. So why do people care? [Better Google than Apple. –Susan] That’s why I don’t have an iPhone either.

I don’t get it. This phone turns me off for a few reasons. First, have you seen it? It definitely got hit with the ugly stick. It looks like a 13-year-old boy was asked to sketch up his dream phone and then the Google engineers just went with it. Slick, it is not.

I’m also skeptical to adopt a phone that is so closely tied to Google. Mostly because I feel like if I do I may as well just go in to get the barcode imprinted on my forehead now, even if I do already use all their services. The illusion that I have a choice is nice. This phone is intended for those who already live and breathe by Google. Walt Mossberg says the phone can’t even be used without a Google account, which is a bit scary. That’s a brilliant move by Google to scoop up the remaining 17 people on Earth who don’t have one.

I guess the hype about the phone comes from all this potential fairy dust people are talking about. It’s “open”. It’s on the Android Platform. People can make applications and then share them ala Facebook. Again, I’ll be impressed when I see something worth getting excited about. On the Google Mobile Blog, Mark gives us the Google pitch about how the new G phone will take advantage of all the features of the Android Platform. Developers can upload and distribute the applications they create through the Android Store which delivers apps directly to the handset. And thanks to all the hype around the Google phone, ReadWriteWeb says there are already more than 1,700 applications waiting to be purchased. La, la, balloons, puppies and unicorns, so what?

I don’t get it, so maybe you guys can enlighten me. Why should I be excited about this? Or should I not be? You figure it out, I’m going to be over here spooning with my Blackberry. [I’m already on T-Mobile and here’s why I’m excited: 3G network! Full Qwerty! Touchscreen! It’s RIM’s fault I don’t have a Blackberry Bold already and I’m tempted by this. –Susan] Are you whining? Get off my niche,

[BoyGeniusReport has lots of screenshots of the Google Phone. And Pandas.

And if you’re already drooling at the mouth for one, you can have your very own Google baby bottle next month here in the States. Otherwise, the device will be in the UK in November, across Europe in 2009.]

Lisa Barone is a writer, content marketer & VP of strategy at Overit Media. She's also a very active Twitterer, much to the dismay of the rest of the world.

See Lisa's author page for links to connect on social media.

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3 Replies to “Google’s G1: Something Else To Get Unjustifiably Excited Over”

Just finishing up my cupcake finder app for Android

You’re a riot. You bring up some pretty valid points. I’m already a T-Mobile customer making it a bit more tempting. However I think I’ll just wait and see what happens with the device. But it’s good to see someone going against the mainstream on this topic. :)

Well it could be a crack in the wall in the Stalinist devotion to the expensive and crap walled garden approach that mobile phone companies are ideologically wedded to and make the Socialist Workers Party policys on telecoms look positively modern.


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