Meet the new SEOs – Welcome to BCA

Hello everyone!

Last week has been pretty HUGE for the Bruce Clay Australia family as three very cool people have joined the team…




To get to know them better, we asked them 4 questions about their background and their passion for SEO. They were very keen to share a little bit of their story, so here we go…

1. Can you tell us a bit more about your past experiences and how you became interested in SEO?

Holly: After UNI, I moved to Australia and started working in an online marketing company. My online marketing journey began with managing PPC & Social Media campaigns. In these roles I met people managing the SEO. Then I started reading up on SEO and experimenting on friends & personal websites & decided this was the arm of Internet Marketing I was most drawn to.

Jeremy: I’ve been on the web in one form or another since 1997. I’ve run several large sites in very competitive markets and got into SEO because of the continual need for quality traffic, clicks and ultimately revenue.

Adam:  I was stuck in a dead end job and I found SEO to be the next step in my life, a career with a bright future. I became interested in SEO after trying out affiliate marketing using Google Adwords. I found Adwords to be far too competitive with very little returns, so I put all my attention into obtaining organic search traffic.

2. What is that are you most passionate about in online marketing? What makes you get out of bed in the morning?

Holly: I enjoy sharing my IM knowledge with friends so that they can improve the rankings of their websites or PPC conversions etc. Knowing that I’ll have an interesting day in the office & an evening full of sport or socializing!

Jeremy: I’m passionate about maximising the exposure of websites to relevant potential visitors and then making sure they fulfil a need/want/demand for those visitors. My 4 week-old daughter gets me out of bed in the morning, and a fair bit of the night too. J

Adam: SEO and online marketing can be very rewarding when goals are met. The challenge/conquer/reward aspect of SEO is what gets me up in the morning.

3. What do you enjoy doing when you are not optimising websites?

Holly: Enjoy playing tennis, Bondi Beach, small bars, music gigs & cooking roast dinners.

Jeremy: When I’m not demystifying Google, I like to take photos, cook, read and swim…although not all at the same time.

Adam: Sunshine, lollypops and rainbows.

4. Is there any resource (book, blog) that have inspired you or helped you in your career so far?

Holly: I follow SEOMoz & Wolf-Howl blogs and I have learning heaps by reading “SEO Secrets” by Danny Dover.

Jeremy: “Perl, PHP & MySQL for Dummies” – without that I wouldn’t have learnt how to code & create time to think, analyse, test & implement.

Adam: and

Thank you guys and again a big welcome to the team.

Enjoy the journey!



Sara Borghi is a Search Marketing Analyst at Bruce Clay Australia, where she’s been helping clients and developed her SEO skills for the past 2 years. She has a strong passion for travel and she loves to go back to Italy – her home country – to enjoy the amazing food and culture whenever she can. She enjoys sports, reading, live music and – of course – Sydney, Australia. To connect, find her on Google+.

See Sara's author page for links to connect on social media.

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Filed under: Social Media Marketing
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