5 Steps to Migrating Your Personal Facebook Profile to a Business Page
Your personal Facebook profile worked great for years, but it’s developed into something more than just a place to hang out. You may have changed careers or started a business or are involved in something you’re really passionate about. Now you have a message. Your updates have been laser focused on your venture. If you want to continue to use Facebook as a place to share that message and grow your business and community of like-minded people then you are the perfect candidate for a migration of your Facebook profile to a business page. Examine how you can do it and some things to look out for on the way.
Facebook Upgrades Small Business Site
via MediaPost
To encourage small and medium-sized businesses to advertise on Facebook, educational website Facebook for Business was revamped with tools and tutorials to help advertisers reach an appropriate audience and measure performance. “F-Commerce”, tactics for generating business through promotions on Facebook, has yet to gain traction; online sales traced to social media dropped to 1.9% in the second quarter from 2.4% in the first quarter.
Making social media work for you and your business
via The Guardian
If you haven’t thought about how social media can help your business, you’re overlooking a major opportunity for connecting with customers, partners, celebrities and the media. Explore how Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn can attract new customers, increase brand awareness and aid customer service. Then move on to other social networks for online communication and connections.
Big Business’s Social Media Buying Frenzy
via The New York Times
In the last few months, Oracle, Salesforce and Microsoft have been among the big businesses buying companies that make collaborative online social communication and media management easy for nontechnical types. Acquisitions of social media companies happens fast and for big bucks, suggesting that social media is approaching mainstream status among marketing channels.
How Big Brands Create Social Media Campaigns
via Mashable!
When look to big brands for social media marketing case studies, familiar trouble spots surface which SMBs can learn from. Social media campaigns require non-stop interaction by the business. Real-time metrics can inform ROI-driven tweaks on the fly. But use caution when collecting social media metrics as too much data can amount to noise.

12 Replies to “5 Steps to Migrating Your Personal Facebook Profile to a Business Page”
Tanks for the valuable information. With the help of your article, I migrate my Personal Facebook Profile to a Business Page.
Thanks for the post! I know of a few facebook friends who have ignored some of these essential steps and it has noticeably desecrated their business pages. Nobody wants a random mari gras picture on their page!
Do you know if the user name gets automatically transferred over to the business page? I have a separate personal and business page right now, and somehow assigned my user name to the personal page instead of the business. I have not been able to get it switched over, but maybe this would be a way to do that.
Thanks for your question. I don’t know for sure, but, you could deactivate your personal page and probably claim that custom URL for your page right after that. It could cause a headache though, depending on how robust your personal network is.
Other thing you may want to do is assess your existing business page. If it’s not thriving, you could always migrate your personal profile to a business page and deactivate the old business page after some updates to your fans that you are moving.
Do you have more friends than fans? The only thing to look out for there is if your existing friend community would have no interest in the new business-focused page they will automatically become fans of (unless it’s already business focused).
As far as I know, the URL is permanent so long as it’s taken, so that’s prob why you haven’t been able to transfer it. Hope that helps, Elizabeth! Keep me posted.
thanks for the informative post.. i will follow all ur step in a proper way.. thanxs a lot for sharing such a informative post…….
Great resource Jessica! What about using iFrames? I understand most of the process, but the iFrame thing confuses me. I have a script that is suppose to do a bunch of the facebook fanpage stuff and wonder have you used it before?