Negative Optimization, & Some Fun Finds

Negative Search Engine Optimization? Get a life.

Phil Lenssen pointed to an interesting article from Forbes that talks about "negative SEO" and how optimization can be used to harm the rankings of your competition. The article is "interesting" not because it is informative but rather because makes you question the intelligence of mankind.

It all goes back to Google’s old statement that there is almost nothing a competitor can do to harm your rankings. It’s that "almost" that always gets people in tizzy. The article highlights actions your competitors can take against you to harm your rankings including google bowling, reporting you for using paid links (well, that didn’t take long, did it?), filing a copyright complaint, and committing click fraud.

Okay, first of all, all of those things can also get you in trouble if you’re caught doing them, so don’t be an idiot. Second, why waste your energy worrying about your competition? Focus on your own search engine optimization or search marketing campaign. If your competition is spending their time clicking on your PPC ads and filing bogus legal motions, they’re probably letting their own SEO campaign slip. Take advantage of it.
Worry about you and let Google worry about catching them committing click fraud. Karma’s a funny thing.

See,, This Is Good Press

We’ve given them a hard time lately (but, seriously, Kato?), so I guess it’s only fair we give credit where credit is due. Walter Mossberg has given’s new interface a glowing review, even putting them on top of Google, in his recent Wall Street Journal column Takes Leader In Designing Display of Search Results.

Mossberg compares Ask 3D to Google Universal Search and finds Ask to be the superior approach. He writes:

Ask’s new system, called “Ask3D,” is a much bolder and better advance in unifying different kinds of results and presenting them in a more effective manner. It shows, once again, that Ask places a higher priority than its competitors do on making search results easy to navigate and use.

He goes on to talk about how was able to give him better results than Google (!) and ends that while Google deserves credit for Universal Search, is more compelling and definitely worth a try. Team Ask!

See, guys, this is how you generate positive buzz for your awesome little engine and offerings. You show people how cool it is and then let them do the work for you. You don’t hire ninjas, nor do drag Kato Kaelin out of whatever hole he was fermenting in. Let Kato be.

Yes, yes, it’s my birthday

To the crazy lot of you who left adoring Facebook wall comments and messages, composed emails, offered to buy me cake, and even went as far as to send flowers to the Bruce Clay office (you know who you are), thank you. I’d make a joke about how I’m now 18 or finally able to drink or something, but Joe Whyte already went ahead and spilled the beans about just how old I am. Thanks, Joe! Next time I tell you nothing. :)

Seriously though, thanks. I heart you all the most.

Fun Finds

When Joe Whyte wasn’t putting his foot in his mouth he was giving search marketers good advice on marketing to Generation Y and unveiling some surprising statistics. Would you have thought really old people the 65+ set are spending almost as much time interacting online as their grandkids?

If you weren’t able to attend the Searchonomics show, Jeremiah Owyang has been providing some great coverage on his blog. Check it out. (via Matt)

Lisa Barone is a writer, content marketer & VP of strategy at Overit Media. She's also a very active Twitterer, much to the dismay of the rest of the world.

See Lisa's author page for links to connect on social media.

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One Reply to “Negative Optimization, & Some Fun Finds”

Congrats on reaching the 1/4 century mark.

Happy Birthday Lisa!


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