On Our Way to SES San Jose!

Hey kids, it’s almost time to pack up and head up to San Jose for Search Engine Strategies and we have a lot to go over. Here’s a bunch of important information for you to nibble on.

Let The Coverage Begin!

As we already mentioned, this time around Bruce Clay will be sending three livebloggers to help cover all the fun and SEO going on at SES San Jose. Susan, Virginia and myself will be on hand to record every little secret the speakers let spill and get down all the juicy tidbits. Bruce Clay, Inc has a reputation for providing the best liveblogging coverage around and we’re not going to let you down. So watch out, it’s on!

As a reminder, if you don’t want to be hit with an onslaught of liveblogging coverage next week, opt for the News Only RSS feed. If not, don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Also, keep an eye out for Virginia in the WebmasterRadio.fm booth. She’ll be conducting some live interviews for our SEM Synergy show. If you see her, say hi. And don’t be surprised if she sticks a microphone in your face.

Monday Night IM-NY Party

If you’re going to SES San Jose or just live nearby, I expect to see you at the IM-NY Charity Party that’s going on Monday night. I won’t even take no for an answer because the cause is too important. It’s about helping sick kids and supporting their families. You need to be there.

And besides the good you’ll be doing for mankind, it’s also a totally kickass opportunity to network with some of SEO’s most elite. I guarantee you that everyone you want to meet at SES San Jose is going to be at that event. So be there. Your $40 donation at the door will get you free drinks, yummy appetizers, one of the best networking opportunities and put you in the running for some great raffle prizes. It’ll also earn you a chance to take a photo Charlie’s Angel style with BC’s three hot young writers!

If you’re even thinking of not attending, go read Jon Kelly’s story about why he’ll be there. If that doesn’t change your mind, you don’t have a soul.

Black Hat/What Hat Antics In The Afternoon

On Wednesday, catch Bruce speaking on the Black Hat, White Hat: Playing Dirty with SEO panel with fellow troublemakers Greg Boser, Todd Friesen, David Naylor and Jill Whalen. I’m a bit jealous that Virginia gets to cover this one because it’s going to be a great debate. Make sure you’re there to see all the action live, or, if you’re watching it from home, be sure to check out Virignia’s recap shortly after the session ends. I’m sure she’ll get all the good stuff down for those not lucky enough to be there.

Party It Up At Search Bash

Hardcore SESers know that the Google Dance has nothing on the debauchery and crazy that goes on at Search Bash. It’ll be the place to be on Wednesday night.

Yes, the Search Bash circus will continue at Vivid Nightclub (the old Studio 8) located just a few blocks from the convention center on Aug. 20. The doors open at 8pm, the entertainment kicks off at 10 and the crazy will go on all night. Sponsors Bruce Clay, Inc, PRWeb.com, Moniker.com and ArticleSender.com will make you have a night you wish you could forget!

You have to RSVP to get in, so make your way over to the Search Bash Web site and get that done before you leave.

Lisa Barone is a writer, content marketer & VP of strategy at Overit Media. She's also a very active Twitterer, much to the dismay of the rest of the world.

See Lisa's author page for links to connect on social media.

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One Reply to “On Our Way to SES San Jose!”

Pity I can’t be there… See you guys soon though I hope :)


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