Search Industry Year in Preview
It’s January 15, which means the first SEO Newsletter of the new year! There’s a grip ton of good stuff in there, including Bruce’s annual Year in Preview, where our favorite search veteran gives us his predictions for the industry in 2009.
Now, before I get to search, here’s my big prediction for 2009. Fabio wins Top Chef!
Last night’s pork and pesto ravioli didn’t go over so hot with the judges, but do you remember the episode where the chefs had to demonstrate cooking a meal to a TV audience? Fabio made it to the top three with his beef Carpaccio recipe, and at his Moorpark restaurant the other day I ordered it. Gustoso! (That means “tasty” in Italian, or so says the online English-to-Italian translator I just used. We all know how reliable those are.)
Of course, I assume most of you aren’t actually here due to a zealous love of drool-worthy food and dreamy Italian chefs, so let’s get back to the newsletter, shall we?
To whet your appetite for the trend projections and actionable insights available to you in the article, here’s a quick peak at Bruce’s search industry predictions for the next year:
- There will be an increase in in-house PPC campaign management.
- More companies will close down their brick-and-mortar locations and ramp up their online retail sites.
- More local business will go online than ever before. This presents up-and-coming SEOs the opportunity to make a reputation for themselves as an industry- or city-specific service provider.
- Companies that survive through the first quarter will realize that SEO is mandatory to survive. As a result, the demand for SEO training courses will grow significantly by 2010.
- Significant changes to the algorithm accommodating for personalization and improved blended results will lead to volatile SERPs rankings, which will in turn lead to a sharp rise in the price of PPC bids.
Those are just a few of the predictions that have to do with the way the industry will transform. Bruce also explains his predictions for search engine technologies (customization, algo changes, indexing rich media, etc.). It’s all interconnected, so read the article for the whole picture, won’t you?
This is the third annual forecast by Bruce (you can find 2008 and 2007 as well), and just by gauging how many of his predictions turned out to be true last year, a glance at this year’s will be worth your while.

One Reply to “Search Industry Year in Preview”
hi guys,
probably not the correct place to post, but is there a chance you could enable full feeds this year?
I catch up on feeds on the bus to work via iphone, and it gets annoying just reading a teaser for bruce clay, when i’m unlikely to click thru from a mobile device.
This seems to be a trend at work too. Google it.
it would be a great present for your readers.