Search Marketers Feeling Festive

I think Christmas and Hanukkah rank right up there with Halloween for holidays that cause the most decorating frenzy. Take a look at the awesome job the Bruce Clay, Inc. writers did in dressing up our little corner of the office!

The uber-spirited even like to dress up their Web sites! Here’s a quick round-up of all the holiday-themed logos I found today.

The less-than-legible Google logo:

Yahoo’s animated ice skater:

Search Engine Roundtable is counting the days of Hanukkah:

While not a logo, the folks at WebProNews have a message for you. Click on the image to hear it:

A beanstalk makes for a great tree over at Beanstalk SEO:

The lights are up at Marketing Pilgrim:

Hats off to Hitwise:

Our friends at ProspectMX have a video to go along with their logo. Take a listen by clicking on the image:

Everyone’s favorite gypsy dressed up over at

At Bruce Clay, Inc. we’re celebrating with a couple different Winter wonder-scenes:

They’re even sporting our new tagline:

Happy holidays! Any logos that I forgot? Add them to the comments!

Come back tomorrow to find out about the second annual Best of Search Conferences 2008. You won’t want to miss it!

Virginia Nussey is the director of content marketing at MobileMonkey. Prior to joining this startup in 2018, Virginia was the operations and content manager at Bruce Clay Inc., having joined the company in 2008 as a writer and blogger.

See Virginia's author page for links to connect on social media.

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5 Replies to “Search Marketers Feeling Festive”

I missed out on this. Now I’m very much excited to see what you guys are planning this coming holidays.

It’s a great idea to have snowflakes on a ceiling. Will definitely do same this New Year in my office!

Virginia Nussey

@Lisa, You may not even recognize this place anymore!

@David, Great avatars! Happy New Year!

Aw gee thanks… I didn’t know I was anyone’s favorite anything.. Guess there’s my gift – wee haaa :0)
I actually got quite festive and started dressing up some Tweeples avatars for the season in my spare time (what is ‘spare’ time anyway?);
So happy holidays to the entire BC crew… 09 should be a very interesting one in the search world.. (oh and a happy new year too :0)

Um, that’s not where Susan’s supposed to sit…


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