SEO Marketing News
This is a roundup of all the best SEO marketing news from the previous week.
The 60 Minute SEO Site Audit
1. Determine When the Site Underwent Its Last Major Redesign
2. Check the Number of Indexed Pages
3. Review the Information Architecture
4. Use a Tool to Walk Through the Site- See how S.E’s view your site
5. Look for Duplicate Content
6. Check the Amount of Content on Every Page-especially relevant with e-commerce sites
7. Intelligent Use of Title Tags and H1 Tags
8. Check the XML Sitemap File
9. Review the Robots.txt File
10. Perform a Quick Redirect Check
New tools for Google Services for Websites
Google Services for Websites is a program web hosting companies can provide customers.
Three new features were released:
– Web Elements can be added with the ease of cut and paste. Examples of web elements are maps, real-time news, calendars, presentations, spreadsheets and YouTube videos.
– Page Speed allows hosts and webmasters to optimise website speed.
– Tips for hosts page offers a set of tips to hosts for creating a better platform.
Google hopes these additional features will advance the program and increase its user numbers.
The New Search War: Google vs. Facebook
Facebook Blog: You now will be able to search the last 30 days of your News Feed for status updates, photos, links, videos and notes being shared by your friends and the Facebook Pages of which you’re a fan. If people have chosen to make their content available to everyone, you also will be able to search for their status updates, links and notes, regardless of whether or not you are friends. Search results will continue to include people’s profiles as well as relevant Facebook Pages, groups and applications.
– Hundreds of millions of monthly visitors could become hundreds of millions of monthly searchers
– And what of Microsoft? Let’s not forget that Microsoft’s Bing powers web search results on Facebook, already. What if the two companies mash it all together and Facebook’s real-time, social web search results find their way out onto Yahoo!
Here’s the bullet point list of what Facebook got by purchasing FriendFeed:
– A collection of very smart, ex-Google engineers that really know real-time search
– A social status platform that is arguably better than Twitter’s
– A powerful, ready-made real-time search product
– A small, but influential user base full of early adopters willing to try and evangelise new products
Hanging Out At Established Places
• Aaron discusses what authority means to a sites ranking.
• Discusses what to do whilst waiting for authority signals to build:
• Consider placing content on established sites to increase exposure, gain backlinks and recognition of appearing on a popular site.
• Try putting up a page on, Squidoo, Knol and other popular user contribution sites.
• Make a few videos and place them on YouTube.
• Contribute a well-considered comment that stands out to win friends and influence people.
• Leverage popularity from an established leader i.e. contribute your own review on a competing product.
• Branding is important.
Yahoo Finds Online Video Viewing Peaks, New Engagement Measurements?
• A recent study found that 68% of respondents watch some form of online video during the day.
• One third of respondents who watch video said they share it with someone in some fashion.
• Yahoo’s study also found that high engagement video drives consumer behavior.
• A full 14% more people searched for more info on a product after watching a high engagement video for a total of 27%. Meanwhile 28% visited the brand or product’s website (up 18% from low engagement videos) and it accounted for 47% of ad recall.